Documentation icon Andoza hujjati[koʻrib chiqish] [tahrirlash] [tarix] [yangilash]



Ushbu andoza OSM Location map bilan foydalanish uchun standartlashtirilgan rang/ranglar palitrasini taqdim etadi. Quyidagi rang identifikatorlari (har qanday tashqi pretsedentga rioya qilmasdan) OSM xaritalarida mavjud xarita ranglari bilan bir qatorda yaxshi mos tushadigan pastel soyalardan foydalangan holda matn yorliqlari va shakl ranglari uchun izchil va simpatik ranglar sxemasini ta'minlash uchun ishlatilishi mumkin:

Shablonni to‘g‘ridan-to‘g‘ri chaqirish orqali foydalanish (odatda boshqa andozadan tashqari) bitta nomsiz parametrni talab qiladi, uning rangi quyidagi ro‘yxatda bo‘lishi kerak, masalan,
{{OSM Location map/color|soft grey}}
bu tegishli hex qiymatini yaratadi. U standart HTML rang tavsifi yoki hex kodi kabi boshqa har qanday matnni oʻzgarmagan holda qaytaradi.

OSM Location mapsni ishlab chiqishda ranglar sxemasidan foydalanish


The descriptions can be used within the {{[[Andoza:|]]}} template wherever a color can be specified (The template itself is not needed). For example: Ta'riflar {{OSM Location map}} andozasida rang koʻrsatilishi mumkin boʻlgan joyda ishlatilishi mumkin (andozaning oʻzi kerak emas). Masalan:

|label-color1 = soft grey
|shape-color1 = hard red
|label-color8 = black

Xarita yorlig'i ranglarini ko'pincha individual xarita ehtiyojlarini qondirish uchun moslashtirish kerak, lekin ko'pchilik xarita yorliqlari uchun "yumshoq" ranglarga yopishib olsak, o'chirilgan xarita ko'rinishi saqlanib qoladi. "Qattiq" ranglar faqat xaritaning alohida mavzusi bo'lgan xususiyatni ko'rsatish uchun ishlatilishi kerak. ("Qorong'i" variant fon kuchliroq ranglarga o'tishni talab qiladigan joy uchun).

Oddiy foydalanishda quyidagi yorliq rang sxemasiga amal qilish kerak:-

soft grey Settlements = soft grey (Subject of the map can be hard grey and larger label-size)
soft blue Rivers, lakes, sea areas etc = soft blue (Works well on top of OSM blue areas)
soft green Parkland, national/regional parks, gardens, forests etc = soft green works well on top of OSM green areas. (hard green may be desirable in forests or for the subject of the map)
hard red Individual sites = hard red - especially if no other labels are applied and the site is indicated by a red pog

To'liq variantlar jadvali

Colors recommended for OSM Maps.

These have a more pastel shade than the standard colors, so blend well the map backgrounds

soft red #DB3123 hard red #AA1205 dark red #7A0101
soft green #81AF81 hard green #538253 dark green #165916
soft blue #77A1CB hard blue #5581A9 dark blue #5581A9
soft grey #AAAA88 hard grey #777755 dark grey #333322
soft brown #CCB56C hard brown #AD7F14 dark brown #8E5913
Standard html colors.

These tend to look rather harsh on the OSM maps but are retained for compatibility

White #FFFFFF Silver #C0C0C0 Gray #808080
Red #FF0000 Maroon #800000 Yellow #FFFF00
Olive #808000 Lime #00FF00 Green #008000
Aqua #00FFFF Teal #008080 Blue #0000FF
Navy #000080 Fuchsia #FF00FF Purple #800080
Black #000000

It is also possible to specify any HTML Hex color using the six-figure hex-code, eg #AAAAAA, but sticking to defaults maintains consistency between pages

If no color is specified the text will have a default of 'hard red'

Colors other than the named ones above can only be specified by using hex codes. Any other color names return as 'hard red' #222211