Qozogʻistondagi ocharchilik (1932—1933): Versiyalar orasidagi farq

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Qator 1:
'''Goloshekin''' genotsid ({{lang-kz|Goloshekındik genotsıd}}),<ref name="auto">Қазақстан тарихы: Аса маңызды кезеңдері мен ғылыми мәселелері. Жалпы білім беретін мектептің қоғамдык- гуманитарлық бағытындағы 11-сыныбына арналған оқулық / М.Қойгелдиев, Ә.Төлеубаев, Ж.Қасымбаев, т.б. — Алматы: «Мектеп» баспасы, 2007. — 304 бет,суретті. {{ISBN|9965-36-106-1}}</ref> deb nomlanuvchi '''Qozogʻistonda 1930-1933-yillar'''da boshlangan '''Qozogʻistondagi ocharchilik''', shuningdek, [[Qozogʻiston]]da roʻy bergan falokat deb ham nomlangan. Bunda 1,5 mln. (ehtimol 2,0-2,3 mln.) kishi Sovet Qozogʻistonda halok boʻlgan, ularning 1.3 millioni etnik qozoqlar edi; Barcha qozoqlarning 38% (foizi) nobud boʻldi, bu [[1930-yil]]larning boshlarida [[Sovetdagi 1932-1933 yillardagi ochlik|Sovet ochliklari]]da oʻldirilgan har qanday etnik guruhning eng yuqori ulushi edi.<ref>{{cite journal|jstor=41036834|title=The Collectivization Famine in Kazakhstan, 1931–1933|author=NICCOLÒ PIANCIOLA|journal=Harvard Ukrainian Studies|volume=25|issue=3–4|date=2001|pages=237–251|publisher=Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute|pmid=20034146}}</ref><ref name=Volkava>{{cite web|last=Volkava |first=Elena |url=http://www.wilsoncenter.org/publication/the-kazakh-famine-1930-33-and-the-politics-history-the-post-soviet-space |title=The Kazakh Famine of 1930–33 and the Politics of History in the Post-Soviet Space |publisher=Wilson Center |date=2012-03-26 |accessdate=2015-07-09}}</ref>
{{Ochlik bilgiqutisi}}
| nomi = Qozogʻistondagi 1932-1933 yillardagi ochlik
{{tahrirlayapman|1=[[Maxsus:Contributions/Malikxan|Malikxan]]|2=22 Avgust 2018}}
| tasvir =ALAGolod.jpg
| izoh = <small>Sovet ocharchilik (1931-1933 yillar) qurbonlari uchun Qozogʻistondagi [[Olmata]] markazidagi kelajak haykali uchun sayt.</small>
| observations = [[Filipp Goloshchekin]] ostidagi Sovet davrida Qozogʻistonning ochlik deb atashiga sabab bo'lgan: "Goloshekin genotsid"
| mamlakat = [[Qozogʻiston]]
| location = Butun mamlakat bo'ylab
| coordinates = <!-----(use {{coord}})----->
| davri = 1930-33<ref name=Cameron>{{cite web|url=https://blogs.loc.gov/kluge/2016/08/the-kazakh-famine-of-the-1930s/|title=The Kazakh Famine of the 1930s}}</ref>
| excess_mortality= <!-----Deaths directly due to famine starvation----->
| from_disease = <!-----Indirect famine deaths from subsequent diseases----->
| total_deaths = 1.5 dan 2.3 milliongacha<ref name=Volkava>{{cite web|last=Volkava |first=Elena |url=http://www.wilsoncenter.org/publication/the-kazakh-famine-1930-33-and-the-politics-history-the-post-soviet-space |title=The Kazakh Famine of 1930–33 and the Politics of History in the Post-Soviet Space |publisher=Wilson Center |date=2012-03-26 |accessdate=2015-07-09}}</ref>
| death_rate = <!-----Death rate---->
| relief = <!-----Examples: 1 million tons of grain, no relief, etc----->
| food_situation = <!-----Net food imports, examples: 10 million tons of wheat, can be negative for repressive regimes/genocide cases----->
| consequences = Qozogʻiston respublikasi aholisi 60% dan 38% gacha qisqardi<ref name=Tatnmob>Татимов М. Б. Социальная обусловленность демографических процессов. Алма-Ата,1989. С.124</ref><ref name="auto" /><ref name=worldlib>http://world.lib.ru/p/professor_l_k/070102_koval_drujba.shtml - "Запомнил и долю казахов в пределах своей республики - 28%. А за тридцать лет до того они составляли у себя дома уверенное большинство"</ref><ref name=colecfaine>{{cite journal|jstor=41036834|title=The Collectivization Famine in Kazakhstan, 1931–1933|first=NICCOLÒ|last=PIANCIOLA|date=1 January 2001|publisher=|journal=Harvard Ukrainian Studies|volume=25|issue=3/4|pages=237–251|via=|doi=10.2307/41036834|doi-broken-date=2017-01-18}}</ref>
| memorial = <!-----link to the memorial website or location of memorial, example: Ireland's Holocaust mural is located on the Ballymurphy Road, Belfast.----->
| preceded = [[Qozogʻistondagi 1919-1922 yillardagi ochlik]]
| footnotes = <!-----Test footnote----->
== Manbalar ==