Mjölnir: Versiyalar orasidagi farq

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Qator 1:
[[Fayl:Mjollnir.png|thumb|right|Mjölnir (uzunligi 4.6 sm).]]
'''Mjölnir''', [[Thor]]ning [[chaqmoq]] hosil qilish uchun yordam beradigan [[bolgʻa]]si. Mjölnir [[Skandinaviya mifologiyasi]]da tog‘larni yakson qilish qobiliyatiga ega bo‘lgan eng dahshatli va kuchli qurollardan biri sifatida tasvirlangan.<ref>{{cite web |url= http://www.viking-mythology.com/items.php |author= Højbjerg, Martin |date= 2011–2014 |title= Norse Mythology: Items of the Gods and Goddesses |publisher= ''Norse Mythology'' |quote= Mjölnir is one of the most fearsome weapons, capable of leveling mountains. Thor's hammer can hit any target. After the target is hit, the hammer will return to Thor's right hand all by itself. The hammer can send out lightning bolts. |accessdate= June 17, 2014 |deadurl= yes |archiveurl= https://web.archive.org/web/20140521214832/http://viking-mythology.com/items.php |archivedate= May 21, 2014 |df= }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= http://www.science20.com/science_20/thor_mighty_or_just_magic-104019 |author= Campbell, Hank |date= February 19, 2013 |title= Is Thor Mighty Or Just Magic? |publisher= [[Science 2.0]] |quote= Science 2.0 fave Dr. [[Neil deGrasse Tyson|Neil Tyson]] recently tried to bring back the 'Thor is really strong' concept by stating 'If Thor's hammer is made of neutron-star matter, implied by legend, then it weighs as much as a herd of 300-billion elephants' which means only someone really strong could lift it. Of course, it also means it would be changing Earth's gravitational field... |accessdate= June 17, 2014 |deadurl= no |archiveurl= https://web.archive.org/web/20141129195622/http://www.science20.com/science_20/thor_mighty_or_just_magic-104019 |archivedate= November 29, 2014 |df= }}</ref><ref>{{cite news |last= Barnett |first= Laura |title= Another View on Thor: Hammer supplier Amanda Coffman sizes up the mystical properties of Mjölnir in Kenneth Branagh's Thor |work= [[The Guardian]] |location= London |publisher= Guardian News and Media |date= 22 May 2011 |url= https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2011/may/22/amanda-coffman-thor-kenneth-branagh |quote= Mjölnir is so powerful it can level entire mountains. I can't imagine any of our hammers doing that, but some models are pretty strong: they're used for breaking up concrete, knocking paving slabs into place, and in the manufacture of cars and aeroplanes. There's a little leather strap on Thor's hammer, too, for attaching it to his wrist. I'm not sure why that's there, really. None of our hammers have that. Thor doesn't even use his. |accessdate= June 17, 2014 |deadurl= no |archiveurl= https://web.archive.org/web/20141129071255/http://www.theguardian.com/culture/2011/may/22/amanda-coffman-thor-kenneth-branagh |archivedate= 29 November 2014 |df= }}</ref> Skandinaviya mifologiyasining hisob-kitobiga ko‘ra, nashriyotchi Edda, bolg‘aning o‘ziga xos kalta tutqichi uning ishlab chiqarilishida xato bo‘lganligi haqida gapiradi. Shu kabi bolg‘alar (Ukonvasara) [[Shimoliy Yevropa]]ning boshqa mifologiyalarida ham chaqmoq xudosining ramziga aylangan.
'''Mjölnir''' ([[#IPAc-en|/ˈmjɔːlnɪər/]])<ref>[http://www.dictionary.com/browse/mjolnir "Mjolnir"]. ''[[Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary]]''.</ref>, [[Thor]]ning afsonaviy [[chaqmoq]] hosil qilish uchun yordam beradigan [[bolgʻa]]si. Mjölnir [[Skandinaviya mifologiyasi]]da tog‘larni yakson qilish qobiliyatiga ega bo‘lgan eng dahshatli va kuchli qurollardan biri sifatida tasvirlangan.<ref>{{cite web |url= http://www.viking-mythology.com/items.php |author= Højbjerg, Martin |date= 2011–2014 |title= Norse Mythology: Items of the Gods and Goddesses |publisher= ''Norse Mythology'' |quote= Mjölnir is one of the most fearsome weapons, capable of leveling mountains. Thor's hammer can hit any target. After the target is hit, the hammer will return to Thor's right hand all by itself. The hammer can send out lightning bolts. |accessdate= June 17, 2014 |deadurl= yes |archiveurl= https://web.archive.org/web/20140521214832/http://viking-mythology.com/items.php |archivedate= May 21, 2014 |df= }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= http://www.science20.com/science_20/thor_mighty_or_just_magic-104019 |author= Campbell, Hank |date= February 19, 2013 |title= Is Thor Mighty Or Just Magic? |publisher= [[Science 2.0]] |quote= Science 2.0 fave Dr. [[Neil deGrasse Tyson|Neil Tyson]] recently tried to bring back the 'Thor is really strong' concept by stating 'If Thor's hammer is made of neutron-star matter, implied by legend, then it weighs as much as a herd of 300-billion elephants' which means only someone really strong could lift it. Of course, it also means it would be changing Earth's gravitational field... |accessdate= June 17, 2014 |deadurl= no |archiveurl= https://web.archive.org/web/20141129195622/http://www.science20.com/science_20/thor_mighty_or_just_magic-104019 |archivedate= November 29, 2014 |df= }}</ref><ref>{{cite news |last= Barnett |first= Laura |title= Another View on Thor: Hammer supplier Amanda Coffman sizes up the mystical properties of Mjölnir in Kenneth Branagh's Thor |work= [[The Guardian]] |location= London |publisher= Guardian News and Media |date= 22 May 2011 |url= https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2011/may/22/amanda-coffman-thor-kenneth-branagh |quote= Mjölnir is so powerful it can level entire mountains. I can't imagine any of our hammers doing that, but some models are pretty strong: they're used for breaking up concrete, knocking paving slabs into place, and in the manufacture of cars and aeroplanes. There's a little leather strap on Thor's hammer, too, for attaching it to his wrist. I'm not sure why that's there, really. None of our hammers have that. Thor doesn't even use his. |accessdate= June 17, 2014 |deadurl= no |archiveurl= https://web.archive.org/web/20141129071255/http://www.theguardian.com/culture/2011/may/22/amanda-coffman-thor-kenneth-branagh |archivedate= 29 November 2014 |df= }}</ref> Skandinaviya mifologiyasining hisob-kitobiga ko‘ra, nashriyotchi Edda, bolg‘aning o‘ziga xos kalta tutqichi uning ishlab chiqarilishida xato bo‘lganligi haqida gapiradi. Shu kabi bolg‘alar (Ukonvasara) [[Shimoliy Yevropa]]ning boshqa mifologiyalarida ham chaqmoq xudosining ramziga aylangan.
Mjölnirning zamonaviy qiyofalari Hethenry va oq supremakist guruhlari orasida keng tarqalgan.<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2017/11/asatru-heathenry-racism/543864/|title=What To Do When Racists Try To Hijack Your Religion|last=Samuel|first=Sigal|date=2017-11-02|website=The Atlantic|language=en-US|access-date=2018-12-11}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/thors-hammer|title=Thor's Hammer|website=Anti-Defamation League|language=en|access-date=2018-12-11}}</ref>
== Manbalar ==
== Havolalar ==
{{Commons category|Mjöllnir}}
*[http://www.pitt.edu/~dash/hammerpix.html A gallery of images of Mjölnir pendants from archaeological finds]
*[http://www.pasthorizonspr.com/index.php/archives/06/2014/the-hammer-of-thor National Museum of Denmark – The Hammer of Thor] — ''Past Horizons'', June 29, 2014 (includes Danish language video presentation).
*[https://norse-mythology.org/symbols/thors-hammer/ Thor's Hammer] - norse-mythology.org