Triller film: Versiyalar orasidagi farq

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Qator 2:
'''Triller film''' yoki '''suspenzion triller''', tomoshabinlarda kuchli hayajon uyg‘otadigan keng [[film]] [[janr]]idir. Ko‘pgina filmlarning syujetlarida uchraydigan suspenzion elementini ayniqsa, rejissor ushbu janrda ekspluatatsiya qiladi. Triller filmlardagi kuchli hayajon tomoshabin muqarrar deb bilgan narsalarni kechiktirish orqali vujudga keladi va xavf tug‘diradigan yoki qochish imkonsiz bo‘lgan vaziyatlar tufayli vujudga keladi.
*{{Cite book | last=Derry | first=Charles | year=2001 | title=The Suspense Thriller: Films in the Shadow of Alfred Hitchcock | publisher=McFarland & Company | isbn=978-0-7864-1208-2 }}
*{{Cite book | last=Frank | first=Alan | year=1997 | title=Frank's 500: The Thriller Film Guide | publisher=Batsford | isbn=978-0-7134-2728-8 }}
*{{Cite book | last=Hanich | first=Julian | year=2010 | title=Cinematic Emotion in Horror Films and Thrillers: The Aesthetic Paradox of Pleasurable Fear | series=Routledge Advances in Film Studies | publisher=[[Routledge]] | isbn=978-0-415-87139-6 }}
*{{Cite book | last=Hicks | first=Neil D. | year=2002 | title=Writing the Thriller Film: The Terror Within | publisher=Michael Wiese Productions | isbn=978-0-941188-46-3 }}
*{{Cite book | last=Indick | first=William | year=2006 | title=Psycho Thrillers: Cinematic Explorations of the Mysteries of the Mind | publisher=McFarland & Company | isbn=978-0-7864-2371-2 }}
*{{Cite book | last=Mesce | first=Bill | year=2007 | title=Overkill: The Rise And Fall of Thriller Cinema | publisher=McFarland & Company | isbn=978-0-7864-2751-2 }}
*{{Cite book | last=Rubin | first=Martin | year=1999 | title=Thrillers | series=Genres in American Cinema | publisher=Cambridge University Press | isbn=978-0-521-58839-3 }}
[[Turkum:Trillerlar| ]]
[[Turkum:Triller filmlar]]