.NET Framework: Versiyalar orasidagi farq

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Tahrir izohi yoʻq
Teg: vikimatn muharriri 2017
Qator 3:
| logo = [[Tasvir:Microsoft .NET.png|120px]]
| developer = [[Microsoft]]
| oxirgi versiyasi = 4.8<ref>[https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/announcing-the-net-framework-4-8/ Announcing the .NET Framework 4.8 | .NET blog]{{ref-en}}</ref>
| oxirgi versiyasi = 3.5.21022.8
| oxirgi reliz = {{Start date and age|2019|0704|2518}}<ref name="dotnetfx48">{{Cite web|url=https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/thank-you/net48-offline|title=Download .NET Framework 4.8 Offline Installer|website=Microsoft}}</ref>
| operatsion sistema = [[Windows NT 4.0]], [[Windows 98]] va [[Microsoft Windows|above]]
| janr = [[Platforma (dasturlash)|Dasturlar uchun platformasi]]