Jennifer Doudna: Versiyalar orasidagi farq

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Qator 36:
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}}'''Jennifer Anne Doudna''' (19-fevral 1964-yilda tug'ilgan)<ref name=":3">{{cite web|url=|title=Jennifer Doudna – American biochemist|website=[[Encyclopædia Britannica Online]]|accessdate=November 13, 2015}}</ref> - amerikalik [[biokimyo]]gar. 2020-yilda CharpentierDoudna va [[JenniferEmmanuelle DoudnaCharpentier]] „genomni tahrirlash uslubini ishlab chiqqanliklari uchun“ [[kimyo boʻyicha Nobel mukofoti]]ga sazovor boʻlishdi.<ref name=":01">{{web manbasi |title=Press release: The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020 |url= |publisher=Nobel Foundation |accessdate=7-oktabr 2020-yil}}</ref><ref name="NYT-20201007">{{cite news |last1=Wu |first1=Katherine J. |last2=Peltier |first2=Elian |title=Nobel Prize in Chemistry Awarded to 2 Scientists for Work on Genome Editing – Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A. Doudna developed the Crispr tool, which can alter the DNA of animals, plants and microorganisms with high precision. |url= |date=7-oktabr 2020-yil |work=[[The New York Times]] |accessdate=7-oktabr 2020-yil }}</ref><ref name="cv">{{cite web|title=Curriculum Vitae (Jennifer A. Doudna)| url=|publisher=Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory|accessdate=October 24, 2017}}</ref>