Bhopal falokati: Versiyalar orasidagi farq

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Rescuing 1 sources and tagging 0 as dead.) #IABot (v2.0.8
Teg: Qaytarildi
Qator 1:
[[File:Bhopal-Union Carbide 1 crop memorial.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Bhopal falokati qurbonlariga memorial. Devorda ''Bhopal falokati 1984—?. Azob davom etmoqda, kurash ham.'' deb yozilgan.]]
'''Bhopal falokati''' yoki '''Bhopal fojiasi''' [[Hindiston]]ning [[Bhopal]] shahrida 1984-yil 2-3-dekabrida sodir boʻlgan gaz sirqishi hodisasi boʻlib, qurbonlari soniga koʻra dunyoning eng katta sanoat falokatlaridan biridir.<ref name="convictions">{{cite news|url=|title=Bhopal trial: Eight convicted over India gas disaster|date=7 June 2010|work=[[BBC News]]|accessdate=2010-06-07|archiveurl=|archivedate=2010-06-07|deadurl=no|seperator=}}</ref> Falokat [[Union Carbide India Limited]] (UCIL) kompaniyasiga tegishli [[pestitsid]] zavodidan [[metilizotsianat]] va boshqa zaharli gazlarning sizib chiqishi bilan boshlandi. 500 mingdan ziyod aholi zaharlandi.<ref name="Varma 2005">{{cite journal|last=Varma|first=Roli|coauthors=Daya R. Varma|title=The Bhopal Disaster of 1984|journal=Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society|year=2005}}</ref> Halok boʻlganlar soni turlicha baholanadi. Rasmiy xabarga binoan falokat kechasi 2 mingdan ziyod odam halok boʻldi. [[Madhya Pradesh]] shtati hukumati 3787 nafar kishining zaharlanib oʻlgani haqida xabar chiqardi.<ref name="rehabilitation1">{{cite web|url= |title=Madhya Pradesh Government : Bhopal Gas Tragedy Relief and Rehabilitation Department, Bhopal | |date= |accessdate=2012-08-28}}</ref> Boshqa taxminlarga binoan gaz sirqishidan keyingi ikki hafta ichida 8 ming kishi halok boʻlgan, yana 8 ming kishi shu kungacha gazdan kasallanib, vafot etgan.<ref name="Eckerman2001">{{cite book |url= |title=Chemical Industry and Public Health—Bhopal as an example |last=Eckerman |first=Ingrid |year=2001 |format=PDF}} Essay for MPH. A short overview, 57 pages, 82 references.</ref><ref name="Eckerman2005">{{cite book |last=Eckerman |first=Ingrid |title=The Bhopal Saga—Causes and Consequences of the World's Largest Industrial Disaster |url= |year=2005 |publisher=Universities Press |location=India |isbn=81-7371-515-7 }} {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-06-10 }} [ Preview Google books] All known facts 1960s&nbsp;– 2003, systematised and analysed. 283 pages, over 200 references.</ref> 2006-yilgi hukumat bayonnomasida gaz sirqishi 558 125 jarohat, bulardan 38 478 nafari qisman, 3 900 nafari esa batamom nogiron boʻlib qolgani taʼkidlanadi.<ref name="first3">{{cite news|url=|title=Bhopal Gas Tragedy: 92% injuries termed "minor"|accessdate=2010-06-26|newspaper=First14 News|date=21 June 2010|author=AK Dubey|archiveurl=|archivedate=2010-06-26|seperator=}}</ref>
UCIL [[Union Carbide]] Corporation (UCC) ning Hindistondagi boʻlimi boʻlib, qisman hind hukumati boshqaruvi ostida edi. 1994-yilda UCC UCIL ni Eveready Indistries India Limited (EIIL) ga sotdi. EIIL 1998-yilda falokat joyini tozalab, sobiq zavod joyini Madhya Pradesh hukumatiga topshirdi. 2001-yilda [[Dow Chemical Company]] UCC ni sotib oldi.