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Qator 2:
''Mexico''(Mexico), United Mexican States (Estados Unidos Mexicanos) is a country in southern North America. Member of the [[UN]]. The area is 1958.2 thousand km². A total of 101.9 mln. person (2001). The capital is [[Mexico]]. Administratively, it is divided into 31 states and 1 capital federal district.
== DavlatState tuzumisystem ==
M. - federal republic. The Political Constitution of the United Mexican States of February 5, 1917, which came into force, was subsequently amended. The head of state is the president (Vi-sente Fox Kesada since 2000), who is elected by universal suffrage for a six-year term. Under the constitution, the president cannot be re-elected. Legislative power is exercised by the National Congress (bicameral parliament), while executive power is exercised by the president.
M. — federativ respublika. Meksika Qoʻshma Shtatlarining 1917-yil 5-fevraldagi Siyosiy Kon-stitutsiyasi amal qiladi, unga keyinchalik oʻzgartishlar kiritilgan. Davlat boshligʻi — prezident (2000 yildan Vi-sente Foks Kesada), u umumiy toʻgʻri ovoz berish yoʻli bilan 6 yil muddatga saylanadi. Konstitutsiyaga binoan, prezident qayta saylanishi mumkin emas. Qonun chiqaruvchi hokimiyatni Milliy kongress (2 palatali parlament), ijroiya hokimiyatni prezident amalga oshiradi.
== Tabiati ==