Abu Ali ibn Sino: Versiyalar orasidagi farq

Kontent oʻchirildi Kontent qoʻshildi
U faqatgina fors bo'lmaganku, Forslarni yerini olib quygan ekanimizda? u Fors Turkiy bo'lgan. bizni ajdodku
Teglar: Qaytarildi Mobil qurilma orqali Mobil sayt orqali
Azizjon Mavlonov (mun.) tomonidan qilingan 2304334-sonli tahrir qaytarildi. Bemalol. Faqat, oʻzbek deb yozilgan manba keltiringchi.
Teg: Bekor qilindi
Qator 3:
| sohasi = [[Sharqiy falsafa]]
| davri =
| millati = UzbekFors<ref>{{Kitob manbasi |url=https://press.princeton.edu/titles/2761.html |title=Avicenna and the Visionary Recital |website=Princeton University Press |language=en |access-date=2018-08-12 |quote=In this work a distinguished scholar of Islamic religion examines the mysticism and psychological thought of the great eleventh-century Persian philosopher and physician Avicenna (Ibn Sina), author of over a hundred works on theology, logic, medicine, and mathematics.|isbn=9780691630540 |date=2016-04-19 }}</ref><ref>{{Cite book |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=9aZPAQAAQBAJ&q=Ibn+Sina+UzbekistonPersian+polymath&pg=PA18 |title=The Rise of Western Power: A Comparative History of Western Civilization |last=Daly |first=Jonathan |date=2013-12-19 |publisher=A&C Black |isbn=978-1-4411-1851-6 |page=18 |language=en}}</ref><ref>{{Citation |title=Avicenna {{!}} Persian philosopher and scientist |url=https://www.britannica.com/biography/Avicenna |encyclopedia=Encyclopedia Britannica |language=en |access-date=2018-08-04}}</ref>
| color = #B0C4DE
| tasvir = Avicena.jpg