Ishlatuv tizimi: Versiyalar orasidagi farq

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Qator 18:
== Tarixi ==
{{Asosiy|Operatsion tizimlar tarixi}}
== Manbalar ==
== Oʻqish uchun ==
* {{jurnal manbasi | last =Auslander | first =Marc A. |author2=Larkin, David C. |author3=Scherr, Allan L.| title = The evolution of the MVS Operating System | publisher = IBM J. Research & Development | year=1981 | url= }}
* {{cite book | last = Deitel | first = Harvey M. | author2 = Deitel, Paul | author3 = Choffnes, David | title = Operating Systems | date = 25 December 2015 | publisher = Pearson/Prentice Hall | isbn = 978-0-13-092641-8 | url-access = registration | url = }}
* {{cite book | last = Bic| first = Lubomur F. |author2=Shaw, Alan C. | title = Operating Systems | publisher = [[Prentice Hall]] | year = 2003 | location = Pearson }}
* {{cite book | last = Silberschatz | first = Avi |author2=Galvin, Peter |author3=Gagne, Greg | title = Operating Systems Concepts | publisher = [[John Wiley & Sons]] | year = 2008 | isbn = 978-0-470-12872-5 }}
* OʻBrien, J. A., & Marakas, G. M.(2011). ''Management Information Systems''. 10e. McGraw-Hill Irwin.
* {{cite book |last1=Leva |first1=Alberto |last2=Maggio |first2=Martina |last3=Papadopoulos |first3=Alessandro Vittorio |last4=Terraneo |first4=Federico |title=Control-based Operating System Design |publisher=[[Institution of Engineering and Technology|IET]] |year=2013 |isbn=978-1-84919-609-3}}
* {{cite book |last1=Arpaci-Dusseau |first1=Remzi |last2=Arpaci-Dusseau |first2=Andrea |year=2015 |url= |title=Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces}}
== Havolalar ==
{{Commons turkum|Operating systems}}
* {{curlie|Computers/Software/Operating_Systems|Operating Systems}} {{ref-en}}
* [ Multics History] va operatsion tizimlar tarixi {{ref-en}}
{{Tashqi havolalar}}