Paramount Pictures: Versiyalar orasidagi farq

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k Bot v2: {{cite web → {{veb manbasi
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| location_country = [[United States]]
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}}'''Paramount Pictures Corporation''' (qisqacha '''Paramount''') [[Amerika]]'ning [[Hollywood]], [[Kaliforniya]]'da joylashgan [[film]] studiyasi.<ref name="Abel10">{{Kitob manbasi|author = Richard Abel|title= The Ciné Goes to Town: French Cinema, 1896–1914|publisher= University of California Press|date= 1994|page= 10 |ISBN= 0-520-07936-1}}</ref><ref></ref><ref>{{webveb manbasi |url= |title=Paramount now releases movies only in digital form |first=Jon|last=Fingas |date=19-yanvar 2014-yil}}</ref><ref>{{webveb manbasi|url=|title=Directions|work=The Studios at Paramount|accessdate=2019-02-03|archivedate=2018-03-12|archiveurl=}} {{Webarxiv|url= |date=2018-03-12 }}</ref>
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