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2011-yilda Baden Qirol Baxga ''qarshi'' YouTube komediya seriyasida „Umid“ rolida ekranga qaytdi. 2012-yilda u " ''Chris & Todd'' „ televizion filmida Erin Mult rolini oʻynadi. 2014-yilda u rejissyor R.Malkolm Jons tomonidan suratga olingan ''“Sehrli shahar sirlari"'' komediyali badiiy filmida Jenifer Lyuis bilan o‘ynadi.
2017-yildan beri u Issa Raening YouTube kanalida efirga uzatiladigan ''Giants'' veb-serialida bosh rol o‘ynagan, hammualliflik qilgan va hamkorlikda ishlab chiqarilgan.<ref name=":02">{{Yangiliklar manbasi |date=February 26, 2018 |title=Vanessa Baden Kelly of 'Giants' on Millennials Leading the Mental Health Conversation |language=en-US |work=Rebellious Magazine |url= |access-date=April 15, 2018}}<cite class="citation news cs1" data-ve-ignore="true">[ „Vanessa Baden Kelly of 'Giants' on Millennials Leading the Mental Health Conversation“]. ''Rebellious Magazine''. February 26, 2018<span class="reference-accessdate">. Retrieved <span class="nowrap">April 15,</span> 2018</span>.</cite></ref> U serialda Journi rolini o‘ynaydi. Uning " ''Giants'' " filmidagi ijrosi unga 2018-yilda „Eng yaxshi bosh rol aktrisasi“ nominatsiyasida Kunduzgi Emmi mukofotiga, 2019-yilda esa g‘alabaga erishdi.<ref name=":2">{{Veb manbasi|sarlavha=Giants Cleans Up at Daytime Emmys, Takes Home Outstanding Lead Actress and Outstanding Supporting Actor|url=|kirish sanasi=2021-01-31|ish=The Grapevine|til=en-us}}<cite class="citation web cs1" data-ve-ignore="true">[ „Giants Cleans Up at Daytime Emmys, Takes Home Outstanding Lead Actress and Outstanding Supporting Actor“]. ''The Grapevine''<span class="reference-accessdate">. Retrieved <span class="nowrap">January 31,</span> 2021</span>.</cite></ref><ref name=":1">{{Veb manbasi|sarlavha=THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF TELEVISION ARTS & SCIENCES ANNOUNCES NOMINATIONS FOR THE 45th ANNUAL DAYTIME EMMY® AWARDS {{!}} The Emmy Awards — The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences|url=|kirish sanasi=April 15, 2018||til=en-US|arxivsana=2018-03-22|arxivurl=}}</ref>
Baden yozuvchi va prodyuser sifatida ham ishlaydi; u ''Gigantlarning'' bir nechta epizodlarini yozgan.<ref name=":02">{{Yangiliklar manbasi |date=February 26, 2018 |title=Vanessa Baden Kelly of 'Giants' on Millennials Leading the Mental Health Conversation |language=en-US |work=Rebellious Magazine |url= |access-date=April 15, 2018}}<cite class="citation news cs1" data-ve-ignore="true">[ „Vanessa Baden Kelly of 'Giants' on Millennials Leading the Mental Health Conversation“]. ''Rebellious Magazine''. February 26, 2018<span class="reference-accessdate">. Retrieved <span class="nowrap">April 15,</span> 2018</span>.</cite></ref> Shuningdek, ''[[The Huffington Post]]'' uchun ham yozgan.<ref>{{Veb manbasi|url=|sarlavha=Why I Support Michael B. Jordan and Not Internet Hype|muallif=Kelly|ism=Vanessa Baden|sana=September 26, 2015|ish=HuffPost|til=en-US|kirish sanasi=April 15, 2018}}</ref>
2021-yil may oyida Badenning " ''Uyga yaqindan uzoqda: Qora ming yillik davom etayotgan ayol'' " [[Esse (asar)|insholar]] to‘plami<ref>{{Kitob manbasi|isbn=978-1953103024|title=Home is the Mouth of a Shark: Essays|last=Kelly|first=Vanessa Baden|date=May 4, 2021}}</ref>Three Rooms Press tomonidan nashr etiladi.