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= '''Tarix''' =
Milodiy 6-asrda Vizantiya matematigi [[Tralles Anthemius|Anthemius Tralles]] oʻz tajribalarida kamera obskura turidan foydalangan. <ref>[[Alister Kemeron Krombi|Crombie, Alistair Cameron]] (1990) ''Science, optics, and music in medieval and early modern thought''. A&C Black. p. 205. {{ISBN|978-0-907628-79-8}}</ref> [[O'rta asrlar islom olamida fizika|Arab fizigi]] [[Ibn al-Haysam]] (Alxazen) (965-1040) ham birinchi haqiqiy [[Teshik kamerasi|pinhona kamerasi]] bilan bir qatorda obskura kamerasini ham ixtiro qildi. <ref name="Krebs2">{{Kitob manbasi|title=Groundbreaking Scientific Experiments, Inventions, and Discoveries of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance|last=Krebs, Robert E.|publisher=Greenwood Publishing Group|year=2004|isbn=978-0-313-32433-8|url=|page=20}}</ref> <ref>{{Cite journal|last=Wade, Nicholas J.|last2=Finger, Stanley|year=2001|title=The eye as an optical instrument: from camera obscura to Helmholtz's perspective|journal=Perception|volume=30|issue=10|pages=1157–77|doi=10.1068/p3210|pmid=11721819}}</ref> <ref name="Plott">{{Kitob manbasi|url=|title=Global History of Philosophy: The Period of scholasticism (part one)|last=Plott|first=John C.|year=1984|isbn=978-0-89581-678-8|page=460|quote=According to Nazir Ahmed if only Ibn-Haitham's fellow-workers and students had been as alert as he, they might even have invented the art of photography since al-Haitham's experiments with convex and concave mirrors and his invention of the "pinhole camera" whereby the inverted image of a candle-flame is projected were among his many successes in experimentation. One might likewise almost claim that he had anticipated much that the nineteenth century Fechner did in experimentation with after-images.}}</ref> Kamera ixtirosi Ibn al-Haysam ijodiga borib taqaladi. <ref name="Belbachir">{{Kitob manbasi|last=Belbachir|first=Ahmed Nabil|title=Smart Cameras|date=2009|publisher=Springer Science & Business Media|isbn=978-1-4419-0953-4|url=|quote=The invention of the camera can be traced back to the 10th century when the Arab scientist Al-Hasan Ibn al-Haytham alias ''Alhacen'' provided the first clear description and correct analysis of the (human) vision process. Although the effects of single light passing through the pinhole have already been described by the Chinese Mozi (Lat. Micius) (5th century B), the Greek Aristotle (4th century BC), and the Arab}}</ref> Ibn al-Haysam pin teshigidan oʻtgan bir yorugʻlikning taʼsiri avvalroq tasvirlangan boʻlsa-da, <ref name="Belbachir" /> Ibn al-Haysam kamera obskurasining birinchi toʻgʻri tahlilini <ref>{{Citation|last=Wade|first1=Nicholas J.|title=The eye as an optical instrument: from camera obscura to Helmholtz's perspective|date=2001|last2=Finger|first2=Stanley|journal=Perception|volume=30|issue=10|pages=1157–1177|doi=10.1068/p3210|pmid=11721819|quote=The principles of the camera obscura first began to be correctly analysed in the eleventh century, when they were outlined by Ibn al-Haytham.}}</ref>, shu jumladan, hodisaning birinchi geometrik va miqdoriy tavsifini <ref>{{Kitob manbasi|url=|title=Science and Civilization in China, vol. IV, part 1: Physics and Physical Technology|last=Needham|first=Joseph|accessdate=5 September 2016|page=98|quote=Alhazen used the camera obscura particularly for observing solar eclipses, as indeed Aristotle is said to have done, and it seems that, like Shen Kua, he had predecessors in its study, since he did not claim it as any new finding of his own. But his treatment of it was competently geometrical and quantitative for the first time.}} {{Webarxiv|url= |date=2017-07-03 }}</ref> bergan. va sirtdagi teshikning bir tomonidagi tasvirni boshqa tarafdagi ekranga aks ettirish uchun qorong'i xonada ekranni birinchi bo'lib ishlatgan. <ref>{{Veb manbasi|sarlavha=Who Invented Camera Obscura?|url=|ish=Photography History Facts|iqtibos=All these scientists experimented with a small hole and light but none of them suggested that a screen is used so an image from one side of a hole in surface could be projected at the screen on the other. First one to do so was Alhazen (also known as Ibn al-Haytham) in 11th century.}}</ref> U, shuningdek, birinchi marta [[Fokus|fokus nuqtasi]] va pin teshigi o'rtasidagi munosabatni tushundi <ref>{{Kitob manbasi|url=|title=Science and Civilization in China, vol. IV, part 1: Physics and Physical Technology|last=Needham|first=Joseph|accessdate=5 September 2016|page=99|quote=The genius of Shen Kua's insight into the relation of focal point and pinhole can better be appreciated when we read in Singer that this was first understood in Europe by Leonardo da Vinci (+ 1452 to + 1519), almost five hundred years later. A diagram showing the relation occurs in the Codice Atlantico, Leonardo thought that the lens of the eye reversed the pinhole effect, so that the image did not appear inverted on the retina; though in fact it does. Actually, the analogy of focal-point and pin-point must have been understood by Ibn al-Haitham, who died just about the time when Shen Kua was born.}} {{Webarxiv|url= |date=2017-07-03 }}</ref> va keyingi tasvirlar bilan dastlabki tajribalar o'tkazdi va 19-asrda fotografiya [[Keyingi tasvir|ixtirosiga]] asos soldi.<ref name="Plott" /> [[Leonardo da Vinci|Leonardo da Vinchi]] quyoshli vodiy chetidagi qorong'u g'orlardan hosil bo'lgan tabiiy kameralar haqida gapiradi. G'or devoridagi teshik teshik kamerasi vazifasini bajaradi va qog'oz varag'iga yon tomonga teskari, teskari tasvirni aks ettiradi. [[Uygʻonish davri|Uyg'onish davri]] rassomlari obscura kamerasidan foydalanganlar, bu aslida G'arb san'atida ustunlik qiladigan rangdagi optik tasvirni beradi. Bu bir tomonida kichik teshikka ega bo'lgan quti bo'lib, u o'ziga xos yorug'lik nurlarini kiritishga imkon beradi, teskari tasvirni ko'rish ekrani yoki qog'ozga chiqaradi. O'sha paytda fotografiyaning paydo bo'lishi kamera tomonidan yaratilgan tasvirni olish va saqlash vositalarini ixtiro qilish bilan bog'liq edi. [[Albertus Magnus]] (1193-1280) [[Kumush nitrat|kumush nitratni]], <ref>{{Veb manbasi|muallif=Davidson|ism=Michael W|nashriyot=National High Magnetic Field Laboratory at The Florida State University|ish=Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics and You|sarlavha=Albertus Magnus|sana=13 November 2015|url=|arxivurl=|arxivsana=22 December 2015}}</ref> va [[Georg Fabritsius|Georg]] Fabrisius (1516-1571) [[Kumush xlorid(I)|kumush xloridni]] kashf etdi <ref>Potonniée, Georges (1973). ''The history of the discovery of photography''. Arno Press. p. 50. {{ISBN|0-405-04929-3}}</ref> va [[Ibn al-Haysam|Ibn al-Haysamning]] " [[Optika kitob|Optika kitobida]] " tasvirlangan texnikalar ibtidoiy fotosuratlar yaratishga qodir. o'rta asr materiallari. <ref>{{Cite journal|last=Allen, Nicholas P.L.|year=1994|title=A reappraisal of late thirteenth-century responses to the Shroud of Lirey-Chambéry-Turin: encolpia of the Eucharist, vera eikon or supreme relic?|journal=The Southern African Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies|volume=4|issue=1|pages=62–94}}</ref> <ref>Allen, Nicholas P.L. [ "Verification of the Nature and Causes of the Photo-negative Images on the Shroud of Lirey-Chambéry-Turin"].</ref> Taxminan 1800 yilda [[Buyuk Britaniya va Irlandiya Birlashgan Qirolligi|ingliz]] ixtirochisi [[Tomas Wedgwood (fotosuratchi)|Tomas Uedgvud]] yorug'likka sezgir bo'lgan modda yordamida obskura kamerasida tasvirni olish uchun birinchi marta ma'lum bo'lgan harakatni amalga oshirdi. U [[kumush nitrat]] bilan ishlangan qog'oz yoki oq teridan foydalangan. U to'g'ridan-to'g'ri quyosh nuri ostida yuzaga qo'yilgan narsalarning soyalarini olishga muvaffaq bo'lgan va hatto shishaga rasmlarning soyali nusxalarini yaratgan bo'lsa-da, 1802 yilda "kamera obskurasi yordamida yaratilgan tasvirlar ishlab chiqarish uchun juda zaif deb topildi", har qanday o'rtacha vaqtda kumush nitratiga ta'sir qiladi. Soya tasvirlari oxir-oqibat qorayib ketdi.
<ref>Litchfield, R. 1903. "Tom Wedgwood, the First Photographer: An Account of His Life." London, Duckworth and Co. See Chapter XIII. Includes the complete text of Humphry Davy's 1802 paper, which is the only known contemporary record of Wedgwood's experiments. (Retrieved 7 May 2013 [[iarchive:tomwedgwoodfirst00litcrich|via]] {{Webarxiv}}).</ref>