Milliy gazeta mukofotlari: Versiyalar orasidagi farq

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Qator 1:
'''Milliy gazeta mukofotlari''' ( {{Lang-fr|Concours canadien de journalisme}} ) [[Kanada|Canada]] [[Gazeta|gazetalaridagi]] eng yaxshi jurnalistik ish uchun har yili beriladigan mukofotlar<ref>{{Yangiliklar manbasi |last=Andrews |first=Phil |date=January 14, 2006 |title=Awards fever hits the newsroom |page=A.2 |work=The Guelph Mercury |location=Guelph, Ont. |url= |access-date=17 January 2010 |archive-date=2012-11-07 |archive-url=,+2006&author=PHIL+ANDREWS&pub=Daily+Mercury&desc=Awards+fever+hits+the+newsroom&pqatl=google |url-status=dead }}</ref><ref>{{Yangiliklar manbasi |date=May 23, 2009 |title=Globe and Mail big winner at National Newspaper Awards |work=CBC News |url= |access-date=17 January 2010}}</ref><ref>{{Yangiliklar manbasi |date=May 9, 2008 |title=Star wins two National Newspaper Awards |work=The Toronto Star |url= |access-date=17 January 2010}}</ref>.
== Synopsis ==
Qator 8:
Yilning eng yaxshi jurnalisti g‘oliblar (yakkalik yoki duo) orasidan ishlaydigan jurnalistlar guruhi tomonidan tanlanadi. Yilning birinchi jurnalisti 2015-yilda muharrir karikaturachi Bryus MakKinnon bo'lgan. 2016-yilda Joanna Slater g'olib bo'lgan. 2017-yilda Mark MakKinnon mukofotga sazovor bo'ldi.
2020-yil holatiga ko'ra nomidagi mukofotlar<ref name="jaward">{{Yangiliklar manbasi |date=1 May 2020 |title=Globe and Mail wins eight National Newspaper Awards at virtual ceremony |publisher=North Shore News / Glacier Community Media |agency=The Canadian Press |url= |access-date=2022-08-04 |archive-date=2020-05-31 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref>:
* Beat Reporting ( E. Cora Hind mukofoti)