Pyrus communis: Versiyalar orasidagi farq

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Ikromova Guli (munozara | hissa)
Ikromova Guli (munozara | hissa)
Tahrir izohi yoʻq
Qator 88:
[[Category:Articles with 'species' microformats]]
'''''Pyrus communis''''', '''oddiy nok''', markaziy va sharqiy Yevropa va G'arbiy Osiyodan kelib chiqqan [[nok]] turi<ref>{{Veb manbasi|url=|sarlavha=Heritage Rare & Iconic Trees - Visit Kew Gardens|}}</ref>.
Qator 100 ⟶ 99:
== Kelib chiqishi ==
Oʻstiriladigan oddiy nok (''P. communis'' subsp. ''communis'') yovvoyi noklarning <nowiki><i id="mwMA">P. communis</i></nowiki> subsp. piraster va P. communis subsp. kavkaz deb tasniflangan ikkita kenja turidan kelib chiqqan deb hisoblanadi<ref>{{Kitob manbasi|first=Daniel|last=Zohary|title=Domestication of Plants in the Old World: The Origin and Spread of Domesticated Plants in Southwest Asia, Europe, and the Mediterranean Basin|edition=Fourth|publisher=Oxford: University Press|year=2012|page=176}}</ref>. Nok yetishtirish haqidagi ishonchli ma'lumotlar birinchi marta [[Qadimgi Yunoniston|yunon]] va [[Qadimgi Rim|rim]] yozuvchilarining asarlarida uchraydi"<ref>{{Kitob manbasi|first=Daniel|last=Zohary|title=Domestication of Plants in the Old World: The Origin and Spread of Domesticated Plants in Southwest Asia, Europe, and the Mediterranean Basin|edition=Fourth|publisher=Oxford: University Press|year=2012|page=177}}</ref>. Teofrast, Katon Elder va Pliniy Elder nokni yetishtirish va payvandlash haqida ma'lumotlarni yozib qoldirgan.
== Kultivatsiya ==