Mirzo Ulugʻbek: Versiyalar orasidagi farq

Kontent oʻchirildi Kontent qoʻshildi
Xoqoni Said (munozara | hissa)
Tahrir izohi yoʻq
Xoqoni Said (munozara | hissa)
Tahrir izohi yoʻq
Qator 3:
| embed =
| ismi = Ulugʻbek
| embedtitle = Mirzo, Sulton
| ismi =
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| more =
Qator 17 ⟶ 15:
| moretext =
| reign = 1411—1447
| reign-type =
| coronation =
| cor-type =
| oʻtmishdoshi =
| pre-type =
| davomchisi =
| suc-type =
| regent =
| reg-type =
| succession1 =
| moretext1 =
| reign1 =
| reign-type1 =
| coronation1 =
| cor-type1 =
| oʻtmishdoshi1 =
| pre-type1 =
| davomchisi1 =
| suc-type1 =
| regent1 =
| reg-type1 =
| succession2 =
| moretext2 =
| reign2 =
| reign-type2 =
| coronation2 =
| cor-type2 =
| oʻtmishdoshi2 =
| pre-type2 =
| davomchisi2 =
| suc-type2 =
| regent2 =
| reg-type2 =
| succession3 =
| moretext3 =
| reign3 =
| reign-type3 =
| coronation3 =
| cor-type3 =
| oʻtmishdoshi3 =
| pre-type3 =
| davomchisi3 =
| suc-type3 =
| regent3 =
| reg-type3 =
<!-- succession4 to succession9 are also available -->
| tugʻilgan_paytidagi_ismi =
| tugʻilgan_sanasi = <!-- {{birth date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}} -->
| tugʻilgan_joyi =
| vafot_sanasi = <!-- {{death date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}} -->
| vafot_joyi =
| dafn_etilgan_sana =
| dafn_etilgan_joy =
| turmush_oʻrtogʻi =
| turmush_oʻrtoq-tur =
| Farzandlari =
| consort = <!-- yes (ha) yoki no (yoʻq) -->
| issue = <!--{{plainlist}} yoki {{unbulleted list}} -->
| issue-link =
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| toʻliq nomi =
| era name =
| era dates =
| shohlik ismi =
| posthumous name=
| temple name =
| uy =
| house-type =
| otasi =
| onasi =
| dini =
| kasbi =
| imzo_turi =
| imzo =
| modul =
| title =
| titletext =
| more =
| tur =
| tasvir =
| tasvir_eni =
| alt =
| izoh =
| succession =
| moretext =
| reign =
| reign-type =
| coronation =