Katherine Kelly Lang: Versiyalar orasidagi farq

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Qator 1:
{{Shaxsiyat bilgiqutisi|ismi=Katherine Kelly Lang|portret=Katherine Kelly Lang - Monte-Carlo Television Festival.jpg|tavsif=Lang Monte-Karlo televizion festivalida 2013 - yil iyun|tugʻilgan paytidagi ismi=Katherine Kelly Wegeman|tavallud sanasi={{Birthtugʻilgan datesanasi andva ageyoshi|1961|7|25}}|tavallud joyi=[[Hollywood, Los Angeles|Hollywood]], [[California]], U. S.|otasi=[[Keith R. Wegeman]]|faoliyat_yillari=1979-yildan|kasbi=Aktrisa|turmush oʻrtogʻi={{Unbulleted list|{{marriagenikoh|Skott Snider|1989|1995|reason=divorced}}|{{marriagenikoh|Alex D'Andrea|1997|2014|reason=divorced}}}}|bolalari=3}}
'''Katherine Kelly Lang''' ('''Katherine Kelly Wegeman''' ; 1961 -yil 25 -iyulda tugʻilgan)<ref>{{Veb manbasi|url=https://www.welovesoaps.net/2015/07/today-in-soap-opera-history-july-25.html|sarlavha=Today in Soap Opera History (July 25)|muallif=Newcomb|ism=Roger|ish=[[We Love Soaps]]|sana=July 25,-iyul 2015-yil|qaralgan sana=June 1,-iyun 2018-yil}}</ref> — amerikalik aktrisa. Lang ''[[The Bold and the Beautiful|"The Bold and the Beautiful]]'' of the CBS Daytime" teleserialidagi Bruk Logan rolini oʻynab mashhur boʻlgan.
== Shaxsiy hayoti ==
Lang [[Kaliforniya|Kaliforniyaning]] [[Hollywood|GollivudHollywood]] shahrida tugʻilgan va Beverli Hills oʻrta maktabini tamomlagan . U Olimpiada changʻida uchuvchi Keyt R. Vegeman va aktrisa Judit Langning qizi, OskarOscar mukofoti sovrindori kinematograf Charlz Langning nabirasi <ref name="CBS Bio">{{Veb manbasi|url=https://www.cbs.com/shows/the_bold_and_the_beautiful/cast/6314/|sarlavha=The Bold and the Beautiful Cast: Katherine Kelly Lang|ish=[[CBS]]|qaralgan sana=January 24,-yanvar 2019-yil}}</ref>.
Lang ikki marta ajrashgan. U ikkita nikohidan uchta farzandning onasi: ikki oʻgʻli Jeremi Skott Snayder (1990 -yilda tugʻilgan), sobiq eri Skott Snayderdan Julian Lang Snayder (1992 -yilda tugʻilgan) va qizi Zoe Katrina D’Andrea (1997 -yilda tugʻilgan) sobiq eri Aleks D’Andreadan. Yana oʻgay qizi Danyelle D’Andrea (1991 -yilda tugʻilgan). <ref>{{Yangiliklar manbasi |date=February 27,-fevral 2007-yil |title=Spotlight on Katherine Kelly Lang |page=16 |publisher=[[Soap Opera Weekly]]}}</ref>
2012-yilning 11-noyabrida Lang 15 yillik nikohdan keyin „tuzatib bo‘lmaydigan kelishmovchiliklar“ sabab ajrashish uchun ariza bergani eʼlon qilindi <ref>{{Veb manbasi|url=https://www.soapoperadigest.com/content/bb-star-files-divorce/|sarlavha=B&B Star Files For Divorce|muallif=Sloane|ism=Stephanie|ish=[[Soap Opera Digest]]|sana=November 11,-noyabr 2012-yil|qaralgan sana=July 1,-iyul 2019-yil}}</ref> . Ajralish 2014 -yil iyun oyida yakunlandi. 
2018 -yil may oyida u qizi Zoe farzandi, nevarasi Zuma tugʻilishi bilan buvi boʻldi <ref>{{Veb manbasi|url=https://www.cbs.soapsindepth.com/posts/the-bold-and-the-beautiful-katherine-kelly-lang-grandmother-164274|sarlavha=THE BOLD & THE BEAUTIFUL's Katherine Kelly Lang Opens up About Why Being a Grandma is "So Great" (EXCLUSIVE)|ish=[[Soaps In Depth|CBS Soaps In Depth]]|sana=August 7,-avgust 2018-yil|qaralgan sana=May 7,-may 2019-yil}}</ref>.
== Faoliyati ==
Lang aktyorlik ilk rolini ''Skatetown, AQSh'' (1979) filmida Skott Baio, Morin Makkormik va [[Patrick Swayze|Patrik]] Sueyzi bilan birga ijro etgan. Undan so‘ng qisqa muddatli ''"Metyu yulduzi kuchlari"'' va " ''Maskarad'' " kabi ko‘plab teleseriallarda hamda uzoq davom etgan ''Riptide'', ''Magnum, PI'', ''[[Happy Days]]'', ''The Fall Guy'' va [[HBO]] komediyalari kabi ko‘plab teleseriallarda rollar ijro etdi. Lang 1996 -yilda " ''Subliminal Seduction'' „ telefilmida rol oʻynagan.
1987-yilda Langga [[CBS|CBS telekanalining]] ''[[The Bold and the Beautiful|“Qalin va go‘zal"]]'' serialida ko‘k yoqali Bruk Logan rolini taklif qilishdi . 2015-yilning fevral oyi holatiga ko‘ra, Lang butun serial davomida ''"Qalin va go‘zal" filmida'' ishtirok etgan ikkita aktyordan biridir. Ikkinchisi esa Erik Forresterni tasvirlaydigan Jon Makkuk <ref>{{Veb manbasi|url=https://www.soapoperadigest.com/content/icymi-katherine-kelly-lang-john-mccook-interview/|sarlavha=ICYMI Katherine Kelly Lang and John McCook Interview|muallif=SOD|muallifhavola=Soap Opera Digest|ish=[[Soap Opera Digest]]|nashriyot=[[American Media, Inc.]]|sana=March 27,-mart 2017-yil|qaralgan sana=June 1,-iyun 2018-yil}}</ref>.
1999 -yilda u Erik Breden (Viktor), Piter Bergman (Jek) va Eylin Devidson (Eshli) bilan birgalikda ''"Yosh va notinch"'' filmida Bruk rolida paydo boʻldi. Lang avvalroq 1981 -yilda Gretchen rolida ''"Yosh va notinch"'' filmida paydo boʻlgan. Uning Bruk rolidagi ishi 1991-yilda boshlangan va yaqinda 2005-yilda yettita „Soap Opera Digest“ mukofoti nominatsiyasi bilan taqdirlangan.
2016 -yilda Lang ''qoʻshnilar'' 10 shaftoli serialida maxsus mehmon sifatida ishtirok etdi <ref>{{Veb manbasi|url=https://www.digitalspy.com/soaps/neighbours/a775341/the-bold-and-the-beautfiuls-katherine-kelly-lang-has-filmed-a-guest-role-in-neighbours/|sarlavha=The Bold and the Beautfiul's [sic] Katherine Kelly Lang has filmed a guest role in Neighbours|muallif=Dainty|ism=Sophie|ish=[[Digital Spy]]|sana=November 26,-noyabr 2015-yil|qaralgan sana=December 29,-dekabr 2018-yil}}</ref> . 2019-yil oktabr oyida u SKAI TV uchun „8 lekseis“ yunon serialida mehmon sifatida ishtirok etdi. U Nyu-Yorkdan Gretsiyaning Korfu shahriga sayohat qilgan muxbir Greys Heart rolini ijro etdi.
== FilmografiyaFilmografiyasi ==
{| class="wikitable sortable plainrowheaders"
|+Kino va televideniedagi aktyorlik spektakllari roʻyxati
Qator 52:
| Televizion film
| 1987 -yildan hozirgi kungacha
| ''[[The Bold and the Beautiful|Jasur va goʻzal]]''
| Bruk Logan
Qator 123:
|''[[The Bold and the Beautiful]]''
| {{Gʻolib}}
| style="text-align:center;" | <ref name="Awards list">{{Veb manbasi|url=http://www.boldandbeautiful.com/index.cfm?pid=401061|sarlavha=Awards List|ish=BoldandBeautiful.com|qaralgan sana=March 17,-mart 2013-yil|arxivurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20121014005053/http://www.boldandbeautiful.com/index.cfm?pid=401061|arxivsana=October 14, 2012}}</ref>
| style="text-align:center;" |1991
Qator 130:
|''The Bold and the Beautiful''
| {{Gʻolib}}
| style="text-align:center;" | <ref name="Awards list" />
| style="text-align:center;" |1991
Qator 137:
|''The Bold and the Beautiful''
| {{Nom}}
| style="text-align:center;" | <ref name="Awards list" />
| style="text-align:center;" |1991
Qator 144:
|''The Bold and the Beautiful''
| {{Nom}}
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Qator 151:
|''The Bold and the Beautiful''
| {{Nom}}
| style="text-align:center;" | <ref name="Awards list" />
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|''The Bold and the Beautiful''
| {{Nom}}
| style="text-align:center;" | <ref name="Awards list" />
Qator 165:
|''The Bold and the Beautiful''
| {{Nom}}
| style="text-align:center;" | <ref name="Awards list" />
Qator 172:
|''The Bold and the Beautiful''
| {{Gʻolib}}
| style="text-align:center;" | <ref name="Awards list" />
Qator 179:
|''The Bold and the Beautiful''
| {{Nom}}
| style="text-align:center;" | <ref name="Awards list" />
Qator 186:
|''The Bold and the Beautiful''
| {{Nom}}
| style="text-align:center;" | <ref name="Awards list" />
Qator 193:
|''The Bold and the Beautiful''
| {{Nom}}
| style="text-align:center;" | <ref name="Awards list" />
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|''The Bold and the Beautiful''
| {{Nom}}
| style="text-align:center;" | <ref name="Awards list" />
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|''The Bold and the Beautiful''
| {{Nom}}
| style="text-align:center;" | <ref name="Awards list" />
Qator 214:
|''The Bold and the Beautiful''
| {{Nom}}
| style="text-align:center;" | <ref name="Awards list" />
Qator 221:
|''The Bold and the Beautiful''
| {{Gʻolib}}
| style="text-align:center;" | <ref name="Awards list" />
Qator 228:
|''The Bold and the Beautiful''
| {{Gʻolib}}
| style="text-align:center;" | <ref name="Awards list" />
Qator 235:
|''The Bold and the Beautiful''
| {{Gʻolib}}
| style="text-align:center;" | <ref name="Awards list" />
Qator 242:
|''The Bold and the Beautiful''
| {{Gʻolib}}
| style="text-align:center;" | <ref name="Awards list" />
Qator 249:
|''The Bold and the Beautiful''
| {{Gʻolib}}
| style="text-align:center;" | <ref name="Awards list" />
Qator 256:
|''The Bold and the Beautiful''
| {{Nom}}
| style="text-align:center;" | <ref name="NATAS 2013">{{Veb manbasi|url=http://emmyonline.org/mediacenter/daytime_40th_nominations.html|sarlavha=The 40th Annual Daytime Entertainment Emmy Award Nominations|nashriyot=emmyonline.org and [[National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences]]|qaralgan sana=May 1,-may 2013-yil|sana=May 1,-may 2013-yil|arxivurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20130606100958/http://www.emmyonline.org/mediacenter/daytime_40th_nominations.html|arxivsana=June 6, 2013}}</ref>
Qator 263:
|''The Bold and the Beautiful''
| {{Nom}}
| style="text-align:center;" | <ref name="NATAS 2014">{{Veb manbasi|url=http://emmyonline.org/day_41st_nominations|sarlavha=The 41st Annual Daytime Entertainment Emmy Award Nominations|nashriyot=emmyonline.org and [[National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences]]|qaralgan sana=May 1,-may 2014-yil|sana=May 1,-may 2014-yil|arxivurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20140623154747/http://emmyonline.org/day_41st_nominations|arxivsana=June 23, 2014}}</ref>
| style="text-align:center;" |2016
Qator 270:
|''The Bold and the Beautiful''
| {{Nom}}
| style="text-align:center;" | <ref name="FR SOAP 2016 Wins">{{Veb manbasi|sarlavha=Soap Awards France 2016 : Hélène Rollès, Les Mystères de l'amour, Rena Sofer, Plus belle la vie...le palmarès complet|url=https://www.toutelatele.com/soap-awards-france-2016-helene-rolles-les-mysteres-de-l-amour-rena-sofer-plus-belle-la-vie-le-palmares-complet-81727|nashriyot=toutelatele.com and [[Médiamétrie]]|qaralgan sana=August 17,-avgust 2020-yil|sana=May 2,-may 2016-yil}}</ref>
| style="text-align:center;" |2020
Qator 277:
|''The Bold and the Beautiful''
| {{Nom}}
| style="text-align:center;" | <ref>
Various citations concerning the nominations for the [[47th Daytime Emmy Awards]]:
Qator 286:
|''The Bold and the Beautiful''
| {{Nom}}
| style="text-align:center;" | <ref>{{Veb manbasi|muallif=Montgomery|ism=Daniel|sarlavha=1st Annual Soap Hub Awards decided by fans honored 'Days of Our Lives,' Steve Burton, Sharon Case and more|url=https://www.goldderby.com/article/2020/soap-hub-awards-days-of-our-lives-steve-burton/|ish=[[Gold Derby]]|nashriyot=[[Penske Media Corporation]]|qaralgan sana=September 3,-sentabr 2020-yil|sana=September 2,-sentabr 2020-yil}}</ref>