PlayStation: Versiyalar orasidagi farq

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kTahrir izohi yoʻq
Qator 3:
Birinchi konsol, [[PlayStation (konsol)|PS One]], 100 milliondan ortiq miqdorda sotilib, rekord qoʻygan.<ref name="100Mrecord">[ "PlayStation 2 Breaks Record as the Fastest Computer Entertainment Platform to Reach Cumulative Shipment of 100 Million Units"]</ref> Undan keyingi [[PlayStation 2]] konsoli 150 million dona sotilib, shu rekordni yangiladi.<ref name="150millionSony">{{cite web|url= |title=PLAYSTATION®2 SALES REACH 150 MILLION UNITS WORLDWIDE |accessdate=2011-02-14 |date=2011-02-14 |publisher=[[Sony|Sony Computer Entertainment]]}}</ref> Sony'ning hozirgi konsoli, [[PlayStation 3]], 2011-yilgacha 47.9 million dona sotildi.<ref name=WorldSales>{{cite web|url=|title=PlayStation 3 Worldwide Hardware Unit Sales |publisher=[[Sony|Sony Computer Entertainment]] |author=[[Sony|Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.]] Staff |accessdate=12-noyabr, 2009}}</ref>
==Shuningdek qarang==
* [[XBox]]
* [[Nintendo Wii]]
Qator 13 ⟶ 18:
File:Move motion controller over the floor.jpg|PlayStation Move kontrolleri