Arslon, jodugar va javon: Versiyalar orasidagi farq

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Qator 23:
Hikoya 1940-yilda, [[Ikkinchi jahon urushi]] paytida boshlanadi. To‘rt aka-singil [[Peter Pevensie|Peter]], [[Susan Pevensie|Susan]], [[Edmund Pevensie|Edmund]], va [[Lucy Pevensie]] [[London]]dagi [[London blitsi|Blits]]dan qochib qutulish uchun evakuatsiya qilinib, [[Angliya|Angliyada]] o‘z dala-hovlisida yashovchi professor [[Digory Kirke]]ning uyiga yuboriladilar.
To‘rt bolakay uyni ko‘rib chiqish davomida Lucy bir kiyimlar shkafini ochib qaraydi va [[Narniya]] nomli sehrli dunyoni kashf qiladi. U yerda u [[Mr Tumnus]] ismli [[favn]]ni uchratadi. Favn uni o‘z uyiga choyxo‘rlik uchun taklif etadi. U yerda favn Lucy haqida Narniyaning soxta malikasi [[Oq Jodugar]]ga xabar bermoqchi bo‘lganini, ammo keyinchalik fikrini o‘zgartirganini tan oladi. O‘z dunyosiga qaytganida Lucyning aka-opalari uning Narniya haqidagi hikoyasiga ishonishmaydi. Lucyning katta akasi Edmund ham kiyimlar shkafiga kiradi va Oq Jodugarni uchratadi. Oq Jodugar unga turk shirinliklarini berib, uni jodulab qo‘yadi. U Edmundni o‘z aka-singillarini Narniyaga olib kelishga undaydi va Edmund ular ustidan hukmronlik qilishiga ishontiradi. Edmund Lucy bilan Narniyada uchrashib qolib, professorning uyiga
birga qaytishadi. Ammo, u Peter va Susanni shkaf ortida hech qanday Narniya mavjud emas, deya aldaydi.
Oxir-oqibat barcha to‘rt bolakay Narniyaga shkaf orqali tushib qolishadi. U yerda ular janob Qunduz va Qunduz xonimni uchratib, ularning uyiga kechki ovqat uchun mehmon bo‘lishadi.
There he confesses he planned to report her to the pretend queen of Narnia, otherwise known as the [[White Witch]] but has thought better of it. Upon returning to our world, Lucy's siblings do not believe her story about Narnia. Her older brother Edmund enters the wardrobe and meets the White Witch, who befriends him and offers him magical [[Turkish delight]] which enchants him. She encourages him to bring his siblings to her in Narnia, with the promise that he shall rule over them. Edmund returns with Lucy to the Professor's house, having met her in Narnia. But after returning he lies to Peter and Susan: he denies Lucy's claim that Narnia lies behind the wardrobe.
Eventually all four of the children enter Narnia together while hiding in the wardrobe. They meet Mr. and Mrs. Beaver, who invite them to dinner. The beavers recount a prophecy that the witch's power will fall when two Sons of [[Adam and Eve|Adam]] and two Daughters of [[Adam and Eve|Eve]] fill the four thrones at [[Cair Paravel]]. The beavers tell of the true king of Narnia, a great lion named [[Aslan]] who has been absent for many years but is now "on the move again."
Edmund sneaks away to the White Witch. Her castle is filled with stone statues--enemies she has [[Petrifaction in mythology and fiction|petrified]]. The beavers realize where Edmund has gone and abandon their home, leading the children to Aslan. As they travel, they notice that the snow is melting, indicating that the White Witch's spell is breaking. A visit by Father Christmas confirms this. Father Christmas gives the three children and the beavers presents. Peter receives a sword and shield, Susan a horn and bow, Lucy a vial of magical healing liquid, Mrs. Beaver a sewing machine and Mr. Beaver's dam was finally finished.