Vodorod koʻrsatkichi (pH): Versiyalar orasidagi farq

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[[Kimyo]]da '''pH''' ({{talaffuz|pe-hash}}; [[ingliz tili|ingl.]] ''potential Hydrogen'' - "potensial [[vodorod]]") [[suvli eritma]]ning [[kislota]] yoki [[asos (kimyo)|asos]]ligi oʻlchovidir.<ref name="Bates">Bates, Roger G. ''Determination of pH: theory and practice''. Wiley, 1973.</ref> Sof [[suv]] neytraldir, uning pHi 25°C [[harorat]]da 7.0 ga yaqin. pHi 7 dan kichik eritmalar kislotali, 7 dan katta eritmalar esa asoslidir. pH oʻlchovlar [[tibbiyot]], [[biologiya]], kimyo, [[agronomiya]], [[okeanshunoslik]], [[tabiatshunoslik]], [[muhandislik]] va boshqa sohalarda juda muhimdir.
pH eritmadagi [[gidroksoniy]] ionlarining (H<sub>3</sub>O<sup>+</sup>) [[molyar konsentratsiya]]si manfiy [[logarifm]]i (10 asosda) p[H] ga yaqindir, biroq teng emas; past pH gidroksoniy ionlari konsentratsiya yuqoriligini, baland pH esa past konsentratsiya pastligini bildiradi. Bu manfiy logarifm oʻnlik nuqtadan keyingi xonalar soniga mos keladi, masalan, 0.1 molyar [[xlor kislotasi|HCl]] pHi 1 atrofida, 0.0001 molar HCl pHi esa 4 ga yaqin boʻlishi kerak (chunki 0.1 va 0.0001 larning 10 asosli logarifmlari mos ravishda -1 va -4 ga teng). Sof (ionsizlashgan) suv neytral boʻlib, juda kuchsiz kislota yoki asos, deb qaralishi mumkin, zero uning pHi 25°C da 7, yoki 0.0000001 ''M'' H<sup>+</sup> dir.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://pages.pomona.edu/~wes04747/handout/equil_io.htm|title=General Chemistry Handouts, Pomona College: How to Solve Equilibrium Problems: An Approach Based on Stoichiometry Part II, Acid-Base Reactions}}</ref> pH chegarasi yoʻq, u 0 dan past yoki 14 dan baland boʻla oladi,<ref>{{cite web|url=http://antoine.frostburg.edu/chem/senese/101/acidbase/faq/negative-pH.shtml|title=Is a negative pH possible?}}</ref> biroq suvli eritmada u suvning kislotaligi va asosligi bilan cheklanadi. Suvli eritma pHi baland boʻlishi uchun unda siyrak vodorod ionlarini bogʻlab oluvchi asos eritilishi lozim. Suvdagi vodorod ionlari [[solvatatsiya]]ni hisobga olish uchun oddiygina H<sup>+</sup> yoki gidroksoniy (H<sub>3</sub>O<sup>+</sup>) yoki yuqoriroq turlar (msl., H<sub>9</sub>O<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup>) deb yozilish mumkin, biroq bularning bari bir xil maʼnoni bildiradi. [[Yer]] sirtidagi aksariyat chuchuk suv havzalari [[karbonat angidrid]] erishi tufayli ozgina kislotalidir;<ref>C.Michael Hogan. 2010. [http://www.eoearth.org/article/Abiotic_factor?topic=49461 ''Abiotic factor''. Encyclopedia of Earth. eds Emily Monosson and C. Cleveland. National Council for Science and the Environment]. Washington DC</ref> va ularning pHi 7 dan past.
However, pH is not precisely p[H], but takes into account an [[activity (chemistry)|activity factor]]. This represents the tendency of hydrogen ions to interact with other components of the solution, which affects among other things the electrical potential read using a [[pH meter]]. As a result, pH can be affected by the [[ionic strength]] of a solution—for example, the pH of a 0.05 M [[potassium hydrogen phthalate]] solution can vary by as much as 0.5 pH units as a function of added [[potassium chloride]], even though the added salt is neither acidic nor basic.<ref name=Feldman>{{cite journal|doi=10.1021/ac60120a014|title=Use and Abuse of pH measurements|journal=Analytical Chemistry|author=Isaac Feldman|volume=28|page=1859|year=1956|issue=12}} – cited and applied in publicly accessible {{cite web|url=http://www.osti.gov/bridge/purl.cover.jsp?purl=/32395-i7huuc/webviewable/|title=13C and 170 NMR Binding Constant Studies of Uranyl Carbonate Complexes in Near-Neutral Aqueous Solution Yucca Mountain Project Milestone Report 3351}}</ref>
Hydrogen ion [[activity coefficient]]s cannot be measured directly by any thermodynamically sound method, so they are based on theoretical calculations. Therefore, the pH scale is defined in practice as [[traceable]] to a set of standard solutions whose pH is established by international agreement.<ref>{{cite web| url=http://www.iupac.org/reports/provisional/abstract01/rondinini_prs.pdf|title=The Measurement of pH – Definition, Standards and Procedures – Report of the Working Party on pH, IUPAC Provisional Recommendation |year=2001}} A proposal to revise the current IUPAC 1985 and ISO 31-8 definition of pH.</ref> Primary pH standard values are determined by the [[Harned cell]], a hydrogen gas electrode, using the [[Bates–Guggenheim Convention]].
[[ar:أس هيدروجيني]]
[[bg:Водороден показател]]
[[eo:PH (kemia parametro)]]
[[fr:Potentiel hydrogène]]
[[ko:수소 이온 농도]]
[[ia:Potential de hydrogeno]]
[[sw:Thamani pH]]
[[ku:Nirxa pH]]
[[la:Potentia Hydrogenii]]
[[lt:Vandenilio potencialas]]
[[mk:Водороден показател]]
[[ml:പി.എച്ച്. മൂല്യം]]
[[mr:पी.एच. मूल्य]]
[[my:ပီအိတ်ချ် စကေး]]
[[pl:Skala pH]]
[[ru:Водородный показатель]]
[[sr:PH вредност]]
[[ta:காரகாடித்தன்மைச் சுட்டெண்]]