Mifologiya: Versiyalar orasidagi farq

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'''Mifologiya''' ({{lang-el|μῦθος}} — „mish- "mish-mish"mish“, "gap"„gap“ va {{lang-el|λέγω}} — - "aytaman"„aytaman“, "deyman"„deyman“) yoki '''asotirshunoslik''' atamasi ham asotirlarni oʻrganishni, ham asotirlar to'plaminitoʻplamini anglatishi mumkin.<ref>Kirk, p. 8; "myth", ''Encyclopædia Britannica''</ref> [[Folklor]]da '''asotir''' ('''mif''') deganda olam va odamzod kelib chiqishi va tarixini[[tarix]]ini hikoya qiluvchi [[muqaddas]] [[narrativ]]lar tushuniladi.<ref name = "dundesintro">Dundes, Introduction, p. 1</ref> MythsTipik typically involveasotirlar [[supernaturalGʻayritabiiylik|gʻayritabiiy]] charactersqahramonlar andhaqida arehikoya endorsedqiladi byva rulershukmdor oryoki priests.ruhoniylar Theytomonidan maydastaklanadi. ariseUlar astarixiy [[euhemerism|overelaboratedvoqealarning accountsoshirib of historical events]]tasvirlanishi, astabiiy [[allegory]] for orhodisalar [[mythopoeic thoughtshaxslantirish|personificationshaxslantirilishi]] ofyoki natural phenomena, or as anbiror [[myth and ritual|explanation of ritual]]. Theyizohi aresifatida transmitted toshakllanadi. conveyUlar [[religiousdin]]iy oryoki idealizedideallashtirilgan experiencetajribani yetkazish, tohatti-harakat establishmodellarini behavioraloʻrnatish models, and toyoki [[pedagogypedagogiya|teachoʻqitish]] uchun tarqatiladi.
Early rival classifications of [[Greek mythos]] by [[Euhemerus]], [[Plato]]'s ''[[Phaedrus (dialogue)|Phaedrus]]'', and [[Sallustius]] were developed by the [[neoplatonists]] and revived by [[Renaissance]] [[mythographers]] as in the ''[[Theologia mythologica]]'' (1532). Nineteenth-century [[comparative mythology]] reinterpreted myth as evolution toward [[science]] ([[E. B. Tylor]]), "disease of language" ([[Max Müller]]), or misinterpretation of [[magic and religion|magical]] [[ritual]] ([[James Frazer]]). Later interpretations rejected opposition between myth and science, such as [[Jung]]ian archetypes, [[Joseph Campbell]]'s "metaphor of spiritual potentiality", or [[Lévi-Strauss]]'s fixed mental architecture. Tension between Campbell's comparative search for [[monomyth]] or Ur-myth and anthropological mythologists' skepticism of universal origin has marked the 20th century. Further, modern [[mythopoeia]] such as [[fantasy (genre)|fantasy novels]], [[manga]], and [[urban legend]], with many competing [[canon (fiction)|artificial mythoi]] acknowledged as fiction, supports the idea of myth as ongoing social practice.