Yurak: Versiyalar orasidagi farq

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kTahrir izohi yoʻq
kTahrir izohi yoʻq
Qator 4:
[[Umurtqalilar]] yuragi [[miokard]] va bogʻlovchi toʻqimadan iborat. Miokard faqat yurakda bor [[mushak]] boʻlib, yurak siqilib-kengayishiga mas’uldir. Oʻrtacha [[odam yuragi]] daqiqasiga 72, oʻrtacha (66 yillik) umr davomida 2,5 milliard marta uradi. Ayollarda taqriban 250-300, erkaklarda esa 300-350 [[gramm|g]] tosh bosadi.<ref>Kumar, Abbas, Fausto: ''Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease'', 7th Ed. p. 556</ref>
Suyuqlik aylanish tizimiga ega [[umurtqasizlar]]da yurak suv va [[oqsil]], [[yogʻ]] va [[uglevod]]lar kabi ozuqadan iborat suyuqlikni itaruvchi kichik qop shaklida boʻladi. [[Hasharot]]larda yurak vazifasini '''bel quvuri''' bajaradi; hasharotlar „qoni“ oksidlanmaydi, chunki ular toʻgʻri tanalari orqali [[nafas]] oladi.
In [[invertebrate]]s that possess a circulatory system, the heart is typically a tube or small sac and pumps fluid that contains water and nutrients such as [[protein]]s, [[fat]]s, and [[sugar]]s. In [[insect]]s, the "heart" is often called the '''dorsal tube''' and insect "blood" is almost always not oxygenated since they usually [[Respiration (physiology)|respirate]] (breathe) directly from their body surfaces (internal and external) to air. However, the hearts of some other [[arthropod]]s (including [[spiders]] and [[crustacean]]s such as [[crab]]s and [[shrimp]]) and some other animals pump [[hemolymph]], which contains the [[copper]]-based protein [[hemocyanin]] as an oxygen transporter similar to the [[iron]]-based [[hemoglobin]] in [[red blood cells]] found in [[vertebrates]].