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Qator 233:
| accessdate = 2009-01-30 }}</ref>
[[Fazo huquqi]] ostida osmon jismlarini nomlash vakolatiga ega yagona organ [[Xalqaro Astronomiya Ittifoqi]]dir (XAI).<ref name=space_law09>{{cite book | last1=Lyall | first1=Francis | last2=Larsen | first2=Paul B. | title=Space Law: A Treatise | page=176 | publisher=Ashgate Publishing, Ltd | year=2009 | isbn=0-7546-4390-5 | chapter=Chapter 7: The Moon and Other Celestial Bodies }}</ref> Qator xususiy shirkatlar yulduz nomlarini sotishadi, bu [[Britaniya Kutubxonasi]] tomonidan tartibga solinmagan tijorat, deb atalgan.<ref name=astrometry05/><ref name=bl_disclaimer/> Biroq XAI oʻzini bunday tijoratdan uzoq tutadi, bu nomlarni XAI na tan oladi, na ishlatadi.<ref name=andersen10/> Oʻzboshimchalik bilan osmon jismlariga nom berish va bu nomlarni „rasmiy“ deb sotish firibgarlikdir.<ref name=si30_5/><ref name=sd19980401/><ref name=golden_faflick82/><ref name=di_justo20011226/>
<ref name=astrometry05>{{cite web | title=Star naming | year=2005 | publisher=Scientia Astrophysical Organization. | url=http://www.astrometry.org/starnaming.php | accessdate=2010-06-29 }}</ref>
<ref name=bl_disclaimer>{{cite web | title=Disclaimer: Name a star, name a rose and other, similar enterprises | work=British Library | publisher=The British Library Board | url=http://web.archive.org/web/20100119033625/http://www.bl.uk/names.html | accessdate=2010-06-29 }}</ref> Biroq XAI oʻzini bunday tijoratdan uzoq tutadi, bu nomlarni XAI na tan oladi, na ishlatadi.
<ref name=andersen10>{{cite web | first=Johannes | last=Andersen | title=Buying Stars and Star Names | publisher=International Astronomical Union | url=http://www.iau.org/public/buying_star_names/ | accessdate=2010-06-24 }}</ref> Oʻzboshimchalik bilan osmon jismlariga nom berish va bu nomlarni „rasmiy“ deb sotish firibgarlikdir.
<ref name=si30_5>{{cite journal | first=Phil | last=Pliat | title=Name Dropping: Want to Be a Star? | journal=Skeptical Inquirer | volume=30.5 | date=September/October 2006 | url=http://www.csicop.org/si/show/name_dropping_want_to_be_a_star/ | accessdate=2010-06-29 }}</ref>
<ref name=sd19980401>{{cite web | last=Adams | first=Cecil | date=April 1, 1998 | title=Can you pay $35 to get a star named after you? | url=http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/826/can-you-pay-35-to-get-a-star-named-after-you | publisher=The Straight Dope | accessdate=2006-08-13 }}</ref>
<ref name=golden_faflick82>{{cite news | last1=Golden | first1=Frederick | last2=Faflick | first2=Philip | date=January 11, 1982 | title=Science: Stellar Idea or Cosmic Scam? | work=Times Magazine | publisher=Time Inc. | url=http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,925195,00.html | accessdate=2010-06-24 }}</ref>
<ref name=di_justo20011226>{{cite news | first=Patrick | last=Di Justo | date=December 26, 2001 | title=Buy a Star, But It's Not Yours | work=Wired | publisher=Condé Nast Digital | url=http://www.wired.com/techbiz/media/news/2001/12/49345 | accessdate=2010-06-29 }}</ref>
==Oʻlchov birliklari==
Qator 964 ⟶ 971:
<ref name=koch95>{{cite book | last1=Koch-Westenholz | first1=Ulla | last2=Koch | first2=Ulla Susanne | year=1995 | title=Mesopotamian astrology: an introduction to Babylonian and Assyrian celestial divination | page=163 | volume=19 | series=Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications | publisher=Museum Tusculanum Press | isbn=87-7289-287-0 }}</ref>
<ref name=space_law09>{{cite book | last1=Lyall | first1=Francis | last2=Larsen | first2=Paul B. | title=Space Law: A Treatise | page=176 | publisher=Ashgate Publishing, Ltd | year=2009 | isbn=0-7546-4390-5 | chapter=Chapter 7: The Moon and Other Celestial Bodies }}</ref>
<ref name=astrometry05>{{cite web | title=Star naming | year=2005 | publisher=Scientia Astrophysical Organization. | url=http://www.astrometry.org/starnaming.php | accessdate=2010-06-29 }}</ref>
<ref name=bl_disclaimer>{{cite web | title=Disclaimer: Name a star, name a rose and other, similar enterprises | work=British Library | publisher=The British Library Board | url=http://web.archive.org/web/20100119033625/http://www.bl.uk/names.html | accessdate=2010-06-29 }}</ref>
<ref name=andersen10>{{cite web | first=Johannes | last=Andersen | title=Buying Stars and Star Names | publisher=International Astronomical Union | url=http://www.iau.org/public/buying_star_names/ | accessdate=2010-06-24 }}</ref>
<ref name=si30_5>{{cite journal | first=Phil | last=Pliat | title=Name Dropping: Want to Be a Star? | journal=Skeptical Inquirer | volume=30.5 | date=September/October 2006 | url=http://www.csicop.org/si/show/name_dropping_want_to_be_a_star/ | accessdate=2010-06-29 }}</ref>
<ref name=sd19980401>{{cite web | last=Adams | first=Cecil | date=April 1, 1998 | title=Can you pay $35 to get a star named after you? | url=http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/826/can-you-pay-35-to-get-a-star-named-after-you | publisher=The Straight Dope | accessdate=2006-08-13 }}</ref>
<ref name=golden_faflick82>{{cite news | last1=Golden | first1=Frederick | last2=Faflick | first2=Philip | date=January 11, 1982 | title=Science: Stellar Idea or Cosmic Scam? | work=Times Magazine | publisher=Time Inc. | url=http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,925195,00.html | accessdate=2010-06-24 }}</ref>
<ref name=di_justo20011226>{{cite news | first=Patrick | last=Di Justo | date=December 26, 2001 | title=Buy a Star, But It's Not Yours | work=Wired | publisher=Condé Nast Digital | url=http://www.wired.com/techbiz/media/news/2001/12/49345 | accessdate=2010-06-29 }}</ref>
<ref name=pliat02>{{cite book | first=Philip C. | last=Plait | year=2002 | title=Bad astronomy: misconceptions and misuses revealed, from astrology to the moon landing 'hoax' | pages=237–240 | publisher=John Wiley and Sons | isbn=0-471-40976-6 }}</ref>
<ref name=sclafani19980508>{{cite news | first=Tom | last=Sclafani | date=May 8, 1998 | title=Consumer Affairs Commissioner Polonetsky Warns Consumers: "Buying A Star Won't Make You One" | publisher=National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center, Aricebo Observatory | url=http://www.naic.edu/~gibson/starnames/isr_news.html | accessdate=2010-06-24 }}</ref>