Veb qidiruv tizimi - butunjahon internet tarmog'ida ma'lumotlarni qidirishga mo'ljallangan tizimdir.

Google bugungi kunda internet tarmog'ida eng mashhur va ommaviy qidiruv tizimiga aylangan.

Some search engines also mine data available in newsgroups, databases, or open directories. Unlike Web directories, which are maintained by human editors, search engines operate algorithmically or are a mixture of algorithmic and human input.

Tarixi tahrir

Veb qidiruv solnomasi
Yil Tizim Hodisa
1993 Aliweb Ishga tushdi
1994 WebCrawler Ishga tushdi
Infoseek Ishga tushdi
Lycos Ishga tushdi
1995 AltaVista Ishga tushdi (DEC ning tarki sifatida)
Excite Ishga tushdi
SAPO Ishga tushdi
1996 Dogpile Ishga tushdi
Inktomi Tashkil topdi
HotBot Tashkil topdi
Ask Jeeves Tashil topdi
1997 Northern Light Ishga tushdi
1998 Google Ishga tushdi
1999 AlltheWeb Ishga tushdi
Naver Ishga tushdi
Teoma Tashkil topdi
Vivisimo Tashkil topdi
2000 Baidu Tashkil topdi
2003 Ishga tushdi
2004 Yahoo! Search Oxirgi ishga tushish Ishga tushdi
2005 MSN Search Oxirgi ishga tushish Ishga tushdi
GoodSearch Ishga tushdi
2006 wikiseek Tashkil topdi
Quaero Tashkil topdi Ishga tushdi
Live Search Ishga tushdi
ChaCha Beta ishga tushishi Beta ishga tushishi
2007 wikiseek Ishga tushdi
AskWiki Ishga tushdi

The very first tool used for searching on the Internet was Archie.[1] The name stands for "archive" without the "vee". It was created in 1990 by Alan Emtage, a student at McGill University in Montreal. The program downloaded the directory listings of all the files located on public anonymous FTP (File Transfer Protocol) sites, creating a searchable database of file names; however, Archie did not index the contents of these files.

Qidiruv tizimlarining Internet bozoridagi ulushlari tahrir

Dunyodagi eng ommaviy qidiruv tizimi, 2007-yil Dekabr ma'lumoti
Kompaniya Mln. Qidiruv Bozordagi ulushi
Google 28,454 46.47%
Yahoo! 10,505 17.16%
Baidu 8,428 13.76%
Microsoft 7,880 12.87%
NHN 2,882 4.71%
eBay 2,428 3.9%
Time Warner (AOL bilan birga) 1,062 1.6% 728 1.1%
Yandex 566 0.9% 531 0.8%
Jami 61,221 100.0%

Veb qidiruv tizimining ishlash tartibi tahrir

[matn kerak]

Ijtimoiy Veb qidiruvi tahrir

[matn kerak]

Yana qarang tahrir

Izohlar tahrir

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot uchun o'qish tahrir

  1. "Internet History - Search Engines" (from Search Engine Watch), Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands, September 2001, web: LeidenU-Archie (Wayback Machine saytida 2009-04-13 sanasida arxivlangan).