Old Inn, shuningdek, Old Brick Inn sifatida ham tanilgan, 1816-yilda Merilend shtatining Sent-Maykls shahrida qurilgan. Merilend uchun oldingi va orqa tomonlarida ikki qavatli ayvonlarga ega bo'lish odatiy holdir[2].

The Old Inn
Lua xatosi in Modul:Location_map at line 522: Unable to find the specified location map definition: "Module:Location map/data/Maryland" does not exist.
Joylashuv 401 Talbot Street (MD 33), St. Michaels, Maryland
Coordinates 38°47′1″N 76°13′25″W / 38.78361°N 76.22361°W / 38.78361; -76.22361
Hudud 1.8 akr (0.73 ga)
Qurilgan [[Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".-]], 1816-yil(1816-Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".-{{{3}}})
NRHP maʼlumotnomasi No. 80001840[1]
NRHPga qoʻshilgan March 25, 1980


  1. Andoza:NRISref
  2. Orlando Ridout V and Cynthia B. Ludlow. „National Register of Historic Places Registration: The Old Inn“. Maryland Historical Trust (1979-yil fevral). Qaraldi: 2016-yil 1-mart.

Andoza:Registered Historic Places