Ushbu fayl Vikiomborga yuklangan boʻlib, boshqa loyihalarda ham qoʻllanilishi mumkin.
Uning tavsif sahifasidan olingan maʼlumot quyida keltirilgan.
Qisqa izoh
TaʼrifTrabala vishnou guttata dorsal.jpg
English: Dorsal view of a resting male rose-myrtle lappet moth (Trabala vishnou guttata) found near Shoushan, southwestern Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Focus stack of 4 images.
Bahasa Indonesia: Pemandangan dorsal seekor ngengat Trabala vishnou guttata yang sedang beristirahat yang ditemukan dekat Shoushan, Kaohsiung barat daya, Taiwan. Tumpukan fokus 4 gambar.
中文(臺灣):青枯葉蛾(Trabala vishnou guttata)雄蛾,攝於高雄壽山附近。
Українська: Самець трояндово-миртової молі(Trabala vishnou guttata) з гори Шоушань, Гаосюн, Тайвань, демонструє характерну позу крил у спокої для родини коконопрядів.
NOTE: This image is a focus stacked image consisting of 4 images that were merged using Helicon Focus. As a result, this image underwent digital manipulation which may have included blending, blurring, cloning, and colour and perspective adjustments. As a result of these adjustments, the image content may be slightly different than reality at the points where the images were combined. This manipulation is often required due to lens, perspective, and parallax distortions.
This is a featured picture on Wikimedia Commons (Featured pictures) and is considered one of the finest images. See its nomination here. This is a quality image and is considered to meet the quality image guidelines. This image has been assessed under the valued image criteria and is considered the most valued image on Commons within the scope Male Trabala vishnou guttata (rose-myrtle lappet moth) - dorsal. See its nomination here. This is a featured picture on the Chinese language Wikipedia (特色图片) and is considered one of the finest images. See its nomination here.
Français : Un papillon de nuit de la famille des lasiocampidés (Trabala vishnou guttata) photographié à Taïwan.
Magyar: A szövőlepkefélék családba tartozó hím Trabala vishnou guttata, a családra jellemző nyugalmi szárnytartással (Sousan, Kaohsziung, Tajvan)
Nederlands: Trabala vishnou guttata (♂), een vlinder uit de familie der spinners (Lasiocampidae)
Português: Macho da mariposa lappet rosa-murta (Trabala vishnou guttata), montanha Shoushan, Taiwan. A mariposa demonstra a postura de asa em repouso característica da família dos lasiocampídeos.
Українська: Самець трояндово-миртової молі(Trabala vishnou guttata) з гори Шоушань, Гаосюн, Тайвань, демонструє характерну позу крил у спокої для родини коконопрядів.
I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
ulashishga – ishlanmani nusxalash, tarqatish va uzatish
remiks qilishga – ishni moslashtirishga
Quyidagi shartlar asosida:
atribut – Siz tegishli litsenziyaga havolani taqdim etishingiz va oʻzgartirishlar kiritilganligini koʻrsatishingiz kerak. Siz buni har qanday oqilona yoʻl bilan qilishingiz mumkin, lekin litsenziar Sizni yoki Sizning foydalanishingizni ma'qullashini taklif qiladigan tarzda emas.
bir xil ulashish – Agar Siz materialni remiks qilsangiz, oʻzgartirsangiz yoki unga asoslansangiz, oʻz hissalaringizni asl nusxadagi kabi bir xil yoki mos litsenziya ostida tarqatishingiz kerak.