Foydalanuvchi Iwaqarhashmi hissasi
Iwaqarhashmi munozara chetlatishlar yuklamalar qaydlar global block log global hisoblar filtrlash qaydlari
2 ta tahrirga sohib foydalanuvchi. Hisob 2023-yil 20-martda yaratilgan.
2024-yil 19-noyabr
- 08:1408:14, 2024-yil 19-noyabr farq tarix +33 k Olmos (metro bekati) (GR) File renamed: File:Q.watt.jpg → File:Q.watt powerbank stand at Olmos station.jpg Criterion 2 (meaningless or ambiguous name) · Added more details to the file name. joriy
2024-yil 29-iyul
- 06:3506:35, 2024-yil 29-iyul farq tarix −2 k Kate Brown (GR) File renamed: File:P20211022AS-2274 (51761372021) (cropped).jpg → File:Governor Kate Brown at the Rose Garden.jpg Criterion 2 (meaningless or ambiguous name)