Chingizxon: Versiyalar orasidagi farq

Kontent oʻchirildi Kontent qoʻshildi
TEMURCI TENGIZ HAKHAN (mun.) tomonidan qilingan 1660208-sonli tahrir qaytarildi
Tahrir izohi yoʻq
Qator 2:
| Ism = Chingizxon
| Ism (oz tilida) = [[File:Cinggis qayan.png|24px]]
| Surat = [[File:XIONGNU ASHINA MENGU EMPEROR TENGIZ (SEA) KAGAN.jpg|thumb|XIONGNU ASHINA MENGU EMPEROR TENGIZ (SEA-OCEAN) KAGAN.jpg|thumb|SECRET HISTORY Chinggis Qahan was born with his destiny ordainedby Heaven(TENGRI) above.He was descended from Bör-teChino,(BÖRÜ TEGİN-WOLF PRINCE) whose name means ‘greyish white wolf’, and Qo’ai-maral, the wolf’s spouse, whose name means beautiful doe, who crossed the lakeand settled at the source of the Onon]]]]]]
| Surat = YuanEmperorAlbumGenghisPortrait.jpg
| Taxallus =
| Tavallud sanasi = [[1155|1155-yil]]