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Tahrir izohi yoʻq
Qator 1:
'''Daejeon ''' - [[Janubiy_Koreya|Janubiy Koreyaning]] markazida joylashgan [[Koreyaning_shaharlari|shahar]]. U Janubiy Koreyada joylashgan beshinchi eng katta shahar xisoblanadi. 2005 yilning ohirida uning aholisi 1,442,856 edi. U [["Gyeongbu"]], [["Honam"]], [["Gyeongbu"]] temir yo'llari va [["Honam"]] tez yurar yo'llari kesishmasida joylashgan. Shahar chegarasida 200 dan ortiq ilmiy-tadqiqot institutlari mavjud bo'lgan [["Daedeok Ilmiy shahri"]] joylashgan
== Tarixi ==
[[Image:Daejeon Government Complex.jpg|thumb|left|thumb|National Government Complex, Daejeon.]]
Daejeon hududi tarixan [[''Hanbat'']] deb yuritilgan , [[Joseon sulolasi]] davridagi koreyts tilida "katta maydon" tushunchasini anglatadi.
The Daejeon area was historically known as ''Hanbat'' ([[Hangul|한밭]]), a native Korean term for "large field", during the [[Joseon Dynasty]]. The term "Daejeon" simply means the same thing in [[Hanja]].
Historically,Tarihda Daejeon waskam aaoliga smallega villagekichik withoutqishloq many residentsbo'lgan.{{Nonspecific|date=July 2007}} However, in [[1905]], the [[Gyeongbu railway]] began operations from [[Seoul]] to [[Busan]], opening a station at Daejeon. Soon after, in [[1926]], under rule of the Japanese government, the [[Honam railway]] was built between Daejeon and [[Mokpo]], transforming the latter into a major transportation hub.{{Verify source|date=July 2007}} Because of its geographical location and proximity to means of transportation, Daejeon grew quickly.
In [[1932]], the capital of [[Chungnam]] province moved from [[Gongju]] to Daejeon. After numerous changes were made to the city boundaries, among them one that effectively made the nearby town of [[Daedeok]] a part of the city in [[1983]], Daejeon became a [[Metropolitan cities of South Korea|metropolitan city]] in [[1995]].