Holokost: Versiyalar orasidagi farq

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Qator 5:
*toʻliq maʼnosi <ref> Marcuse Harold. Holocaust Memorials: The Emergence of a Genre (англ.) // The American Historical Review. — University of Chicago Press, 2010. — Vol. 115. — P. 53-89. — ISSN 0002-8762. — DOI:10.1086/ahr.115.1.53</ref> — natsistlik Germaniyada natsistlar tomonidan boshqa etnik va ijtimoiy guruhlarini taʼqib va yoʻq qilganlar ([[Buyuk Vatan urushi kezidagi sovet harbiy asirlari|sovet harbiy asirlari]], [[Polyaklar|polyaklar]], yahudiylar, [[Loʻlilar genotsidi|loʻlilar]], [[Gomoseksuallik Uchinchi reyxda|gomoseksual erkaklar]], [[Masonlik|masonlar]], [[T-4 oldirish programmasi|kasal va nogironlarni]] va boshqalarni)<ref name=UNO>{{cite web|url=http://www.un.org/russian/sg/messages/2009/holocaustremembrance09.shtml|title=Holokost xalqaro xotirlash kuni sababi maktub yoʻllash|last=[[Pan Gi Mun]]|date=27-yanvar 2009-yil|accessdate=2009-11-22|quote=Bugun biz koʻplab natsistlar tomonidan oʻldirilgan qurbonlarini hurmat qilamiz — yahudiy xalqining birdan uch qismini va boshqa besonsiz qurbon boʻlganlarni, — ular shafqatsiz kamsitishlarga, mahrum boʻlishlarga, vahshiylik va oʻlimlar qurboni boʻlib mubtalo boʻldilar|archiveurl=http://www.webcitation.org/619A8dmKz|archivedate=2011-08-23}}</ref><ref>[http://books.google.de/books?id=7c2LHlpdMfAC&hl=ru&source=gbs_navlinks_s Dictionary of Genocide] ([http://books.google.de/books?id=7c2LHlpdMfAC&printsec=frontcover&hl=ru&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false стр. 190—191]), <blockquote>'''Holocaust'''. The English-language term that has been most closely identified with the nearly successful attempt … to exterminate the Jews of Europe. <br>…<br>In the 1980s and 1990s the term ''Holocaust'' also began to be used by various scholars (e.g., historian Sybil Milton) and organizations (e.g., the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum) to describe the Nazis' attempt to exterminate other groups, specifically, the Roma and Sinti and the mentally and physically handicapped.</blockquote></ref><ref name="encgen176">[http://books.google.de/books?id=8Q30HcvCVuIC&hl=ru&source=gbs_navlinks_s Encyclopedia of Genocide] ([http://books.google.de/books?id=8Q30HcvCVuIC&pg=PA176&dq=Another+case+concerns+the+Slavic+populations+of+the+Soviet+Union&hl=ru&ei=ZxcsTpezBdHxsgbe_v2oBA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&redir_esc=y#v=snippet&q=holocaust%20nazi%20genocide%20against%20slavs&f=false стр. 176]), <blockquote>As Simon Wiesenthal, a survivor of Auschwitz, long ago observed, «The Holocaust was not only a matter of the killing of six million Jews. It involved the killing of eleven million people, six million of whom were Jews.» Wiesenthal spoke on the basis of what was then the best available evidence. Today, some 50 years later, the only correction to be made to his statement lies in the fact that we now believe his estimate of 11 million was far too low. The true human costs of Nazi genocide may come to 26 million or more, 5 to 6 million of whom were Jews, a half million to a million or more of whom were Gipsies, and the rest mostly Slavs. Only with these facts clearly in mind can we comprehend the full scope of the Holocaust and its real implications."</blockquote></ref>.
Oʻzbekiston hududida (Shu vaqtda [[OʻzSSR]]) Ikkinchi jahon urushi vaqtida 250 000 yaqin yahudiylar Germaniya bosib olgan hududlaridan qochgan edilar yoki ularni evakuatsiya qilingan edilar <ref>Bu maʼlumot Toshkent kanalida 23-avgust 2017-yili "Ochiqrejissyor muloqot"Aziz daturidaOmonovning hujjatli filmida aytilgan edi.</ref>.
==Soʻzning etimologiyasi==
Ingliz soʻzi ''"holocaust"'' [[Bibliya tarjimalari|lotin]] [[Bibliya|Bibliyadan]] oʻzlashtirilgan (lotin shaklida ''holocaustum'' qoʻllaniladi, ''holocau(s)toma'' va ''holocaustosis'' bilan birgalikda), bu soʻz esa grek tilidan kelib chiqqan, hamda Bibliya shaklida ὁλόκαυ(σ)τος, ὁλόκαυ(σ)τον "butunlay yondiriladigan", "qurbonlikni batamom kuydirish, yondirilish qurboni", ὁλοκαύτωμα "yondirilish qurboni", ὁλοκαύτωσις "yondirish qurbonligiga olib kelish"; oʻzbek tilida bu soʻz oʻzlashtirib olingandir va bu soʻz oʻzbek tilida XX asrdan boshlab qoʻllanish boshlandi, ammo bu soʻz kamdan kam oʻzbek tilida uchraydi.