Modul:Location map/data/France Paris and inner ring/doc

Bu sahifa Modul:Location map/data/France Paris and inner ring uchun hujjat sahifasidir

Location map of Paris and inner ring
name Paris and inner ring
x 211.234*($2 - 2.13595) + 5.96075*($1 - 49.0225)
y -4.72007*($2 - 2.13595) - 302.597*($1 - 49.0225)
image Paris and inner ring.svg
Map of fr:Unité urbaine de Paris

Modul:Location map/data/France Paris and inner ring joylashuv xaritasi taʼrifi boʻlib, an equirectangular projection Paris and inner ringdagi markerlar va yorliqlarni joylashtirish uchun foydalaniladi. :Modul:Location map/data/France Paris and inner ring/doc|1|3}}|ism}}]]}}}. Markerlar standart xaritada yoki shunga o'xshash xarita tasvirida kenglik va uzunlik koordinatalari bo'yicha joylashtiriladi.


Ushbu ta'riflar parametr bilan chaqirilganda quyidagi andozalar tomonidan qo'llaniladi „France Paris and inner ring“:

Xarita tavsifi

  • name = Paris and inner ring
    Standart xarita sarlavhasida foydalanilgan ism
  • x = 211.234*($2 - 2.13595) + 5.96075*($1 - 49.0225)
    An expression to calculate a location on the map via its longitude; evaluates as 0 along the left edge and 100 along the right edge
  • y = -4.72007*($2 - 2.13595) - 302.597*($1 - 49.0225)
    An expression to calculate a location on the map via its latitude; evaluates as 0 along the top edge and 100 along the bottom edge

Yana qarang

Xaritalar joylashuvi andozalari

Creating new map definitions