Vivas Schola Regia, (rasman Scholae Regiae Edinensis Carmen) Edinburg Qirollik Oliy maktabining qoʻshigʻidir. Lotin tilida matni rektor, doktor John Marshall tomonidan 1895-yilda yozilgan va shu maktabning sobiq oʻquvchisi Sir Alexander Mackenzie tomonidan musiqasi bastalangan[1].

John Marshall, MA, LLD.



Dastlabki ikki misra har yili iyul oyida Xotira va Sovrinlarni topshirish kunida, yillik maktab sessiyasi oxirida kuylanadi.


Vivas, Schola Edinensis,
Schola Regia venerabilis!
Sicut arx in colle sita,
Sicut sol e nubibus densis,
Splendes, splendeas in aeternum,
Alma Mater atque amabilis:

Vivas Schola Regia,
Vivas Schola Regia,
Vivas, vivas, Schola Regia!
Schola Regia!

Quo in aevo tu vetusto
Inter parva infans parvula
Faustis tamen omnium votis
Domicilio in angusto
Cursum tuum ad honores
Iniisti vaga, tremula -

Tumgavisa est Doctrina
Gaudent Leges, gaudent Artes;
Matar enim tu bonorum
Surgis altera Erycina
Inter gratias atque Amoris
Splendidas actura partes.

Vivas, atque in annoscrescas,
Alma Mater, Schola amata!
Omnium particeps honorum
Surgas semper, neu compescas
Studium tuum gloriae sacrum;
Fausta sis, felix, beata!

Liberi tui te laudamus
Laeto omnium cum clamore,
Et quum multis posthac annis
Tui quam juvenes amabamus,
Senes rursus meminerimus,
Vi clamabimus haud minore.

Hac ex vita nos cesserimus,
Nomen nostrum mox peribit;
Sed in saecula mortis expers
Tu manebis et veterrimus
Honos tuus revirescens
Juniores anteibit.

Royal High School, hail to thee!
Worth our worship, worth our praising!
Like a tower set gloriously, -
Like a sun ʻmid clouds outblazing, -
Shinʼst thou forth, whose song weʼre raising.
Shine thou, shine eternally!
Vivas Schola Regia!

When in ages long departed,
Small thy birthplace, small beginning,
Yet ’midst omens loyal-hearted
Into life thine entrance winning,
Kind the Fates thy fortune spinning,
Honour’s race thou boldly started, -
Vivas Schola Regia!

Learning then thine advent prizing,
Hailed thee gladly. Art and Science
Joyed to watch thy fair uprising
Venus-like, in storms’ defiance,
While the Muses bowed compliance,
Such thy beauty’s charm enticing.
Vivas Schola Regia!

Live thou on, with years increasing,
Mother kind, our heartʼs best treasure!
Let ambition, still unceasing,
Lead where Duty weds with Pleasure,
Glory seeking, yet in measure,
Nought of base they thirst appeasing.
Vivas Schola Regia!

We thy children sound thy glory
With out [sic?] hearts’ united noising,
And when years have told their story,
And are youthful souls’ rejoicing
Changes to an older voicing,
Still weʼll chant, though heads be hoary,
Vivas Schola Regia!

Soon must come the day of dying;
Soon our name and frame must perish.
Yet shalt you, Death’s power defying,
Still have hearts thy fame to cherish,
Still shalt grow and still shalt flourish,
Younger wrestlers’ strength outvying!
Vivas Schola Regia!


  1. John Murray, A History of the Royal High School. Edinburgh, Royal High School, 1997, p. 65.