Methodological Possibilities of Using Media Educational Technologies to Increase the Professional Activity of Future Primary School Teachers


Protecting society from various ideological and ideological threats in the process of globalization,

educating spiritually mature, highly intellectual youth, mature professionals, teachers of educational

institutions to keep pace with the times, scientific and methodological research, tireless work doing

so requires a creative approach to each training session. In the new era of today's so-called

"information age", the modern teacher must constantly increase their knowledge, collect and

analyze information, process and transmit information, solve problems and disagreements, make

independent decisions. It is important to adopt, socio-economic cooperation, use advanced

technologies and put them into practice. Also, the teacher should be ready for the ability to work at

school, to apply their knowledge in practice, to be aware of the technologies used in everyday life,

to think deeply about the problem and increase their knowledge, to cooperate with the work team

and professionals, use modern technology to make decisions, solve problems and create new ideas

when needed”1. Davronov Dilshod (munozara) 11:22, 22-Sentabr 2022 (UTC)