Hazrat May Safura Qodiriyya maqbarasi

Hazrat May Safura Qodiriyya maqbarasi 1795-yilda Moʻltonning afgʻon hukmdori Navob Muzafarxon buyrugʻi bilan qurilgan[1][2]. Maqbara afgʻon meʼmorchiligi uslubida bunyod etilgan.

Hazrat May Safura Qodiriyya maqbarasi
رابعہ زماں حضرت مائی صفورہ قادریہ رحہ مزار

Tashqi koʻrinishi
Eski nomlari Durbar-e-Hazrat May Safura Qadiriyya
Umumiy maʼlumot
Turi maqbara
Meʼmoriy uslubi Qodiriy meʼmorchiligi
Joylashuvi Pokiston Jungle May Safura, Pokiston
Koordinatalar 30°35′19.3″N 72°12′44.3″E / 30.588694°N 72.212306°E / 30.588694; 72.212306
Dizayn va konstruksiya
Meʼmor Navob Muzafarxon

Yana qarang



  1. Mazar of mai safoora.  There are some other controversial points which have been challenged by Yousuf and one among them is the position of Khwaja Noor Muhammad Maharvi and Ali Haidar before Fakhr-i-Jahan who came from Aurangabad to Delhi in 1751 when Ali Haidar was of 64 years, therefore, stories of Ali Haidar, Noor Muhammad Maharvi and Khwaja Fakhr-i-Jahan are baseless. Qamar according to the claim of the Qazi family in his research says that Ali Haidar was a Qureshi by caste.
  2. Official Mai Safoora Yousuf says that Haidar was Sidhal Jat and the poet had himself called him Sidhal Jat. All Yousuf wants to say is that respected and learned Dr Qamar should have taken more pain while collecting information about the poet and his life.