Zilzila bashorati: Versiyalar orasidagi farq

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kTahrir izohi yoʻq
Qator 89:
|publisher= ABC News
|url= http://abcnews.go.com/Travel/east-coast-earthquake-animals-zoos-reacted-temblor-began/story?id=14371679:
=== Vp/Vs farqi ===
[[Seysmologiya]]dagi yana bir metod ''V''<sub>p</sub> va (''p''-toʻlqin tezligi) va ''V''<sub>s</sub> va (''s''-toʻlqin tezligi) nisbati oʻzgarishini qayd etishga asoslanadi. Bu nisbat tosh qobiq siqilayotgan paytda oʻzgaradi, deb taxmin etilgandi. Bu metodga tayanib faqat bitta zilzila (1973-yilgi 2,6 magnitudali [[New York]] zilzilasi) muvaffaqiyatli bashorat qilingan.<ref>{{citation
|last1= Aggarwal |first1= Yash P.
|last2= Sykes |first2= Lynn R.
|last3= Simpson |first3= David W.
|last4= Richards |first4= Paul G.
|date= 10 February 1975
|title= Spatial and Temporal Variations in ''t<sub>s</sub>''/''t<sub>p</sub>'' and in ''P'' Wave Residuals at Blue Mountain Lake, New York: Application to Earthquake Prediction
|journal= Journal of Geophysical Research
|volume= 80 |issue= 5|pages= 718–732
|doi = 10.1029/JB080i005p00718
|bibcode = 1975JGR....80..718A
}}</ref> Bu metod bilan boshqa zilzilalarni oldindan aytishga urinishlar samarasiz chiqdi.<ref>{{citation
|last1= Geller |first1= Robert J.
|date= December 1997
|title= Earthquake prediction: a critical review.
|journal= Geophysical Journal International
|volume= 131 |issue= 3 |pages= 425–450
|doi= 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1997.tb06588.x
|bibcode = 1997GeoJI.131..425G