Lugansk xalq respublikasi: Versiyalar orasidagi farq

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„{{Davlat_info | davlat_nomi = Lugansk xalq respublikasi | davlat_nomi_to`liq = Lugansk xalq respublikasi (LXR) | davlat_mahalliy_nomi = {{unicode|{{lang|ru|Луганская Народная Республика}}}} | tasvir_bayroq = Flag of the Luhansk People's Republic.svg | tasvir_gerb = COA LPR oct 2014.svg | tasvir_xarita = Location of Lu...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi
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Qator 66:
'''Lugansk xalq respublikasi''' (qis. '''LXR''') — [[Sharqiy Yevropa]]da tan olinmagan davlat<ref>{{Статья|автор=Nina Caspersen|заглавие=Making Peace with De Facto States|ссылка=|язык=en|издание=The Annual of Language and Language of Politics and Identity|год=2016|pages=7—18|volume=10|issn=1805-3769|archiveurl=|archivedate=2017-09-01|архив=|архив дата=2017-09-01|deadlink=yes}} — «Moreover, new contested territories that could be described as de facto states have emerged, most notably the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republics in Ukraine. These two newest additions to the universe of de facto states have started to create some of the trappings of statehood, although the extent of „indigenous roots‟ is still debatable.“</ref>. [[DNRDXR]] bilan bir qatorda u Donbassdagi tan olinmagan siyosatlardan biridir. [[DXR]] bilan bir qatorda u [[Donetsk toshkoʻmir havzasi]]dagi tan olinmagan [[politiy]]lardan biridir.
Ukrainalik, shuningdek, bir qator xalqaro ekspertlarning fikricha, [[Ukraina]]ning [[Lugansk viloyati]] hududining bu qismi LNR emas, balki [[Rossiya Federatsiyasi]] tomonidan nazorat qilinadi<ref>{{Книга|ссылка=|заглавие=Огляд поточної ситуації збройного конфлікту на сході України та контекст окремих його проявів і наслідків: аналітичний звіт|страницы=21-23}} {{Wayback|url= |date=20210610135035 }}</ref>.