Yulduz: Versiyalar orasidagi farq

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Qator 844:
| first=Martin | last=Schwarzschild | title=Structure and Evolution of the Stars | publisher=Princeton University Press | year=1958 | isbn=0-691-08044-5}}<!-- Book republished by Dover as ISBN 0-486-61479-4, but ISBN in the cite book template is the one as published by Prin. Univ. Press--></ref>
AsYulduz atomicichida nucleiatom areyadrolari fusedparchalanar in the coreekan, they emit energy in the form ofular [[gamma raynurlanish]]s. Theseshaklida photonsenergiya interactchiqaradi. withBu thefotonlar surroundingatrofdagi plasma,plazma addingbilan to the thermaltaʼsirlashib, energyyadroning atissiqlik theenergiyasini coreoshiradi. StarsBosh onketma-ketlikdagi theyulduzlar mainvodorodni sequencegeliyga convert hydrogen into heliumayalantirib, creatingasta-sekin ayadroda slowlygeliy butyigʻib steadily increasing proportion of helium in the coreboradilar. EventuallyOqibatda thegeliy heliummiqdori contentoshib becomesketib, predominantyadroda andenergiya energychiqarilishi production ceases at the coretoʻxtaydi. Instead0,4 forva starsundan ofortiq moreQuyosh thanmassasili 0.4yulduzlarda solarreaksiya masses,geliy fusionyadroni occursoʻrab inturuvchi ava slowlysekin expandingoʻsib shellboruvchi around the [[degenerate matter|degenerate]]degenerat heliumqobiqqa corekoʻchadi.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://aether.lbl.gov/www/tour/elements/stellar/stellar_a.html | title = Formation of the High Mass Elements | publisher = Smoot Group | accessdate = 2006-07-11 }}</ref>
Gidrostatik muvozanatdan tashqari, barqaror yulduz ichida [[issiqlik muvozanati]] ham ushlab turiladi. Ichkaridan tashqariga uzluksiz harorat gradiyenti oqib, issiqlik energiyasi har qatlamda sobit saqlanib turadi.
In addition to hydrostatic equilibrium, the interior of a stable star will also maintain an energy balance of [[thermal equilibrium]]. There is a radial temperature gradient throughout the interior that results in a flux of energy flowing toward the exterior. The outgoing flux of energy leaving any layer within the star will exactly match the incoming flux from below.
[[File:Sun parts big.jpg|thumb|360px|left|This diagram shows a cross-section of a solar-type star. ''NASA image'']]