Federal Information Processing Standard: Versiyalar orasidagi farq

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„Hi guys I want to build a website like Peaches and Screams UK and I wanted to get your perspective of whether that site is good from the users' perspec...“ yozuvi orqali yangi sahifa yaratildi
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Qator 1:
'''Federal Information Processing Standard''' (FIPS) Publication 140-2, (FIPS PUB 140-2) — AQSH hukumatining kompyuter xavfsizligi standarti.
Hi guys
I want to build a website like Peaches and Screams UK and I wanted to get your perspective of whether that site is good from the users' perspective before I go ahead and build something similar.
I think that the design of the site is very modern and nice but I am not sure how people would react to a similar site?
I look forward to your feedback.
Many thanks!