Lika Osipova: Versiyalar orasidagi farq

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Qator 20:
'''Lika Osipova''' ({{lang-ru|Лика Осипова}}) — rus teleboshlovchisi va [[aktrisa]]si. AQShning [[Kaliforniya]] shtatidagi [[Los Anjeles]] shahrida istiqomat qiladi.<ref>{{Web manbasi|url=|title="Interacting With Your Audience Will Expand Your Online Presence & Brand" Words Of Wisdom With Lika Osipova||accessdate=2019-10-10}}</ref><ref>{{Web manbasi|url=|title=LIKA OSIPOVA – ABOUT HER NEW COMPETITION MISS RUSSIAN UNITED STATES||accessdate=2019-10-10}}</ref><ref>{{Yangiliklar manbasi|url=|title=Русская красота в американском формате||accessdate=2019-10-10|language=ru}}</ref><ref>{{Web manbasi|url=|title=December/ January HW Lika Osipova Miss Russian US/LA||accessdate=2019-10-10}}</ref>
== BiografiyaHayoti ==
[[Stavropol oʻlkasi|Stavropol oʻlkasining]] [[Pyatigorsk]] shahrida tugʻilgan. U modellik faoliyatini 13 yoshida boshlagan. Tilshunoslik va filologiya boʻyicha magistr darajasini tugatgan.<ref>{{Web manbasi|url=|title=GETTING TO KNOW LIKA OSIPOVA||accessdate=2019-10-10}}</ref>
U '''Miss Russian Los Angeles and Miss Russian United States''' goʻzallik va isteʼdodlar shousining asoschisi va produseridir.<ref>{{Web manbasi|url=|title=Miss Russian LA Beauty Pageant to be held at Romanov's||accessdate=2019-10-10}}</ref> <ref>{{Yangiliklar manbasi|url=|title=Роман Шаляпина с бизнесвумен из США оказался выдумкой|journal=EG.RU|accessdate=2019-10-10|language=ru}}</ref> 2012-yilda u Rossiyaning Maslahat kengashining '''Yilning namunali modeli''' mukofotini va Gʻarbiy Hollywood shahridan '''Achievement''' maxsus mukofotini olgan.<ref>{{Web manbasi|url=|title=Congressman Henry Waxman to Be Keynote Speaker at the 11th Annual Russian Style Festival’s Community Awards Presentation||accessdate=2019-10-10}}</ref><ref>{{Web manbasi|url=|title=City of West Hollywood 11th Annual Russian Speaking Community Awards Presentation||accessdate=2019-10-10}}</ref>
== Filmografiyasi ==