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fanning biror sohasi boʻyicha maxsus bilimga ega boʻlgan shaxs
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(Farq yoʻq)

12-Sentyabr 2012, 10:07 dagi koʻrinishi

Olim (ilm soʻzidan) atamasi bilan keng maʼnoda tizimli ravishda bilim yigʻuvchi shaxs nomlanadi. Tor maʼnoda esa olim, deb ilmiy uslubdan foydalanuvchi shaxsga aytiladi.[1] Olim fanning bir yoki bir necha sohasida mutaxassis boʻlishi mumkin.[2] Ushbu maqolada atamaning tor maʼnoda qoʻllanishi yoritiladi. Olimlar tabiatni fizik, matematik va ijtimoiy jihatlardan chuqurroq tushunish uchun tadqiqotlar olib borishadi.

Olimlar laboratoriyada ishlashmoqda. La Rioja Universiteti, Argentina.

Philosophy can be seen as a distinct activity, which is aimed towards a more comprehensive understanding of intangible aspects of reality and experience that cannot be physically measured.

Scientists are also distinct from engineers, those who develop devices that serve practical purposes. When science is done with a goal toward practical utility, it is called applied science (short of the creation of new devices that fall into the realm of engineering). When science is done with an inclusion of intangible aspects of reality it is called natural philosophy.

Social roles that partly correspond with the modern scientist can be identified going back at least until 17th century natural philosophy, but the term scientist is much more recent. Until the late 19th or early 20th century, those who pursued science were called "natural philosophers" or "men of science".[3][4][5][6]

English philosopher and historian of science William Whewell coined the term scientist in 1833, and it was first published in Whewell's anonymous 1834 review of Mary Somerville's On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences published in the Quarterly Review. Whewell's suggestion of the term was partly satirical, a response to changing conceptions of science itself in which natural knowledge was increasingly seen as distinct from other forms of knowledge. Whewell wrote of "an increasing proclivity of separation and dismemberment" in the sciences; while highly specific terms proliferated—chemist, mathematician, naturalist—the broad term "philosopher" was no longer satisfactory to group together those who pursued science, without the caveats of "natural" or "experimental" philosopher. Members of the British Association for the Advancement of Science had been complaining about the lack of a good term at recent meetings, Whewell reported in his review; alluding to himself, he noted that "some ingenious gentleman proposed that, by analogy with artist, they might form [the word] scientist, and added that there could be no scruple in making free with this term since we already have such words as economist, and atheist—but this was not generally palatable".[7]

Whewell proposed the word again more seriously (and not anonymously) in his 1840 The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences:

We need very much a name to describe a cultivator of science in general. I should incline to call him a Scientist. Thus we might say, that as an Artist is a Musician, Painter, or Poet, a Scientist is a Mathematician, Physicist, or Naturalist.

He also proposed the term physicist at the same time, as a counterpart to the French word physicien. Neither term gained wide acceptance until decades later; scientist became a common term in the late 19th century in the United States and around the turn of the 20th century in Great Britain.[8][9][10] By the twentieth century, the modern notion of science as a special brand of information about the world, practiced by a distinct group and pursued through a unique method, was essentially in place.

  1. Isaac Newton (1687, 1713, 1726). "[4] Rules for the study of natural philosophy", Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Third edition. The General Scholium containing the 4 rules follows Book 3, The System of the World. Reprinted on pages 794-796 of I. Bernard Cohen and Anne Whitman's 1999 translation, University of California Press ISBN 0-520-08817-4, 974 pages.
  2. Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd ed. 1989
  3. Nineteenth-Century Attitudes: Men of Science. http://www.rpi.edu/~rosss2/book.html
  4. Friedrich Ueberweg, History of Philosophy: From Thales to the Present Time. C. Scribner's sons v.1, 1887
  5. Steve Fuller, Kuhn VS. Popper: The Struggle For The Soul Of Science. Columbia University Press 2004. Page 43. ISBN 0-231-13428-2
  6. Science by American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1917. v.45 1917 Jan-Jun. Page 274.
  7. Holmes, R. The age of wonder: How the romantic generation discovered the beauty and terror of science. London: Harper Press, 2008 — 449 bet. ISBN 978-0-00-714953-7. 
  8. Ross, Sydney (1962). "Scientist: The story of a word" (PDF). Annals of Science 18 (2): 65–85. doi:10.1080/00033796200202722. http://www.informaworld.com/index/739364907.pdf. Qaraldi: 2011-03-08. 
  9. „William Whewell (1794-1866) gentleman of science“. Qaraldi: 2007-yil 19-may.
  10. Tamara Preaud, Derek E. Ostergard, The Sèvres Porcelain Manufactory. Yale University Press 1997. 416 pages. ISBN 0-300-07338-0 Page 36.