Alexander Graham Bell
(Alexander Belldan yoʻnaltirildi)
Alexander Graham Belll (talaffuzi: Aleksandr Greyam Bell; 3-mart 1847-yil – 2-avgust 1922-yil)[2] — telefon ixtirochilaridan biri. Asli shotlandiyalik, 1871-yildan beri AQShda yashaydi. Amalda foydalanish uchun yaroqli birinchi telefon uchun 1876-yilda patent olgan. Energiya yoki quvvatlar nisbati logarifmi bilan oʻlchanadigan birlik – bel Bell nomi bilan atalgan.
Alexander Graham Bell | |
Tavalludi | 3-mart 1847[1] |
Vafoti | 2-avgust 1922[1] |
Fuqaroligi | AQSh[1] va United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland[1] |
Otasi | Alexander Melville Bell[1] |
Onasi | Eliza Bell |
tahrir- ↑ 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 (unspecified title)
- ↑ „The Bell Family“. Bell Homestead National Historic Site. Qaraldi: 27-sentabr 2013-yil.
tahrir- OʻzME. Birinchi jild. Toshkent, 2000-yil
Oʻqish uchun
tahrir- Mullett, Mary B. The Story of A Famous Inventor. New York: Rogers and Fowle, 1921.
- Walters, Eric. The Hydrofoil Mystery. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Puffin Books, 1999. ISBN 0-14-130220-8.
- Winzer, Margret A. The History Of Special Education: From Isolation To Integration. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press, 1993. ISBN 978-1-56368-018-2.
tahrirVikiomborda Alexander Graham Bell haqida turkum mavjud |
- Alexander va Mabel Bell Jamgʻarmasi (ingl.)
- Alexander Graham Bell The Biography Channelda (ingl.)
- profili: Alexander Graham Bell (ingl.)
- Alexander Graham Bell IMDbda
- "Téléphone et photophone : les contributions indirectes de Graham Bell à l'idée de la vision à distance par l'électricité" at the Histoire de la télévision (frans.)