Bu sahifa Modul:Taxonbar/confdoc uchun hujjat sahifasidir

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Bu modul Modul:Taxonbar/conf ga Andoza:Taxonbar/doc da Vikimaʼlumotlar takson identifikatori xususiyatlarining oʻz hujjatlari jadvalini avtomatik yangilash imkonini beradi.





Taxon identifiers by parameter name
ParameterWikidata IDAuthorityDescription
abaP4526identifier for a bird taxon, issued by the American Birding Association
adwP4024identifier for a taxon in the Animal Diversity Web database
afdP6039identifier for a taxon on the Australian Faunal Directory website
afromothsP6093identifier for a species on the AfroMoths website
algaebaseP1348URL for a taxon in AlgaeBase.org
amphibiawebP5036identifier for a species, in the AmphibiaWeb database
antwebP5299identifier for a taxon in the AntWeb database
aoiP5003identifier for a species of amphibian in the Amphibians of India database
aofpP6159identifier for a species on the Atlas of Florida Plants website
apaP6137identifier for a species on the Alabama Plant Atlas website
apdbP2036identifier for a plant taxon, in the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de Genève's African Plant Database of scientific names
apniP5984identifier for a plant, in the Australian Plant Name index
apsaP2809identifier for a pollen or spore in the Australasian Pollen and Spore Atlas, managed by the Australian National University
araneaeP3594identifier for a taxon in araneae.nmbe.ch
arkiveP2833identifier for a taxon, in the ARKive database
aswP5354identifier for a taxon in the Amphibian Species of the World database
atrfP6904Australian Tropical Rainforest Plantsidentifier for a plant taxon, in the Australian Tropical Rainforest plants database
ausfungiP9076identifier for a taxon (a fungus), in the Australian 'Fungi' database
auslichenP9093identifier for a taxon (a lichen), in the Australian Lichen database
avibaseP2026identifier for a species, subspecies, or genus in the global bird database Avibase
bacdiveP2946identifier for a microorganism, in the BacDive database
bamonaP3398identifier for taxa in the "Butterflies and Moths of North America" database
bhlP687Biodiversity Heritage Libraryidentifier for a page in the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL)
biolibP838identifier for a taxon in the biological encyclopedia BioLib
birdlifeP5257identifier for an avian taxon, in the BirdLife factsheet database
birdlife-australiaP6040identifier for a species on the BirdLife Australia website
boldP3606identifier for a taxon in boldsystems.org
btoP4798identifier for a bird species or sub-species in the BTO Birds of Britain/ BirdFacts database
bugguideP2464identifier in BugGuide.net
butmothP3060identifier for a butterfly or moth genus in the UK Natural History Museum's 'Butterflies and Moths of the World' database
calfloraP3420identifier for a taxon in Calflora
cal-ipcP6176identifier for a species on the California Invasive Plant Council website
colP10585identifier of a taxon or synonym in the Catalogue of Life
centerP6003identifier for a taxon on the Center for Biological Diversity website
cmsP6033identifier for a taxon on the 'Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals' website
cnpsP4194identifier in the California Native Plant Society database
cockroach species fileP6052identifier for a taxon on the Cockroach Species File website (old archived version)
conifersP1940identifier for a taxon in the conifers.org database
coreoidea species fileP6053identifier for a taxon on the Coreoidea Species File website
bowP3444identifier for a species or subspecies, in the eBird database
ebirdP3444identifier for a species or subspecies, in the eBird database
ecocropP4753identifier of a plant used as an agricultural crop in the Ecocrop database
ecosP6030identifier for a taxon on the United States' 'Environmental Conservation Online System' website
eflorasaP6933identifier for a plant taxon, in the Australian 'South Australian electronic Flora' database
eolP830eol.org item reference number
eppoP3031identifier for a taxon in the EPPO Global Database
eunisP6177identifier for a species on the European Nature Information System website
euringP3459identifier for a species or subspecies, in the EURING database
faunaeuropaeaP1895identifier for a taxon in Fauna Europaea
faunaeuropaeanewP4807identifier for a taxon at the Fauna Europaea portal launched end of 2016
feisP6044identifier for a taxon on the Fire Effects Information System website
fishbaseP938identifier for a species in FishBase
florabaseP3101identifier for a plant taxon, in the Government of Western Australia's FloraBase database
flowP6096identifier for a species on the Fulgoromorpha Lists On the Web website
fnaP1727identifier for a taxon in the Flora of North America database
foaoP3100identifier for a plant taxon, in the Flora of Australia Online
foao2P6756identifier for a plant taxon, in an Australian Commonwealth database
focP1747Flora of Chinaidentifier for a taxon in Flora of China (English-language revision of Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae)
foioP3795identifier for a plant taxon or cultivar in the Flora of Israel Online database
fossilworksP842identifier for an animal, plant, or microorganism in the Fossilworks database
fungorumP1391Index Fungorumidentifier for a fungus taxon in Index Fungorum
gbifP846taxon identifier in GBIF
gisdP5626identifier for a taxon in the IUCN's Global Invasive Species Database
gnabP4715identifier for a bird taxon in the Guide to North American Birds on the National Audubon Society website
goniatP5216identifier for a taxon, in the GONIAT database
grassbaseP1832identifier in GrassBase - The Online World Grass Flora
grinP1421GRIN Taxonomy for PlantsURL for a taxon in the GRIN website
ibcP3099identifier for a species of bird, in the Internet Bird Collection database
ifpniP6341identifier for a species at the International Fossil Plant Names Index
inaturalistP3151identifier in iNaturalist
ipaP6161identifier for a species on the Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States website
ipniP961numerical identifier for a plant name in the International Plant Names Index
irmngP5055identifier of a scientific name, in the Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera (IRMNG) database
iscP5698identifier for a taxon datasheet in the Invasive Species Compendium, produced by the Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International
itisP815identifier for a taxon in the Integrated Taxonomic Information System
iucnP627identifier for a taxon in the International Union for Conservation of Nature database; source for conservation status (P141)
lepindexP3064The Global Lepidoptera Names Indexidentifier for a Lepidoptera taxon, in the UK Natural History Museum's 'Global Lepidoptera Names Index'
lobP5862identifier in the Catalogue of Lepidoptera of Belgium
lpsnP1991LPSNURL for the website List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN)
lygaeoidea species fileP11311Lygaeoidea Species Fileidentifier for a taxon on the Lygaeoidea Species File website
mantodea species fileP6055identifier for a taxon on the Mantodea Species File website
michiganfloraP6103identifier for a species on the Michigan Flora website
mobotpfP6034identifier for a taxon in Plant Finder, on the Missouri Botanical Garden website
molP6092identifier for a taxon on the Map of Life website
mnhnP6046identifier for a taxon on the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle website
monaP4758identifier for a Lepidoptera species, in the Hodges List (i.e. the "Check List of the Lepidoptera of America North of Mexico", with subsequent revisions)
mswP959identifier from Mammal Species of the World database
mycobankP962identifier per MycoBank - a database that provides an authoritative and comprehensive list of names of fungi
nasP6163identifier for a species in the Nonindigenous Aquatic Species database, on the U.S. Geological Survey website
natureserveP10243identifier of a species or ecosystem in the Americas in the NatureServe Explorer database
nbnP3240identifier of a taxon in the National Biodiversity Network (UK)
ncbiP685identifier for a taxon in the Taxonomy Database by the National Center for Biotechnology Information
neotropicalP6047identifier for a taxon on the Neotropical Birds website
noaaP6049identifier for a species on the NOAA Fisheries website
nswfloraP3130identifier for a plant taxon, in the NSW Flora Online
ntfloraP5953identifier for a plant taxon, in the Northern Territory (Australia) 'NT Flora' database
nzboP6048identifier for a species on the New Zealand Birds Online website
nzorP2752identifier for a taxon names in the New Zealand Organisms Register
nzpcnP7496ID of a plant taxon held by the New Zealand Plant Conservation Network
odnrP6289identifier for a taxon in the Species Guide Index of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources website
ottolP9157Open Tree of Lifeidentifier for an entity in Open Tree of Life, a comprehensive, dynamic and digitally-available tree of life by synthesizing published phylogenetic trees along with taxonomic data
orthoptera species fileP6050identifier for a taxon on the Orthoptera Species File Online website (old version now archived)
paldatP4122identifier for a plant species in the Palynological Database (PalDat) for pollen of the University of Vienna
paleobiodbP10907Paleobiology Databaseidentifier for a fossil taxon in the Paleobiology Database
panarticP2434identifier for a taxon in the Panarctic Flora
pfafP4301identifier for a plant taxon, in the Plants For A Future database of uses of plants and their parts
pfiP6114identifier for a species on the Portal to the Flora of Italy website
phasmida species fileP4855identifier for a Phasmida taxon, in the Phasmida SpeciesFile website
ppeP6061identifier for a taxon at the Plant Parasites of Europe database
plantlistP1070identifier in The Plant List database from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
plantsP1772identifier in the United States Department of Agriculture PLANTS Database
plaziP1992identifier for a taxon treatment at Plazi.org
powoP5037identifier of a (vascular) plant name in the Plants of the World online database
psocodea species fileP8145numerical identifier for a taxon on the Psocodea Species File project
rdP5473identifier for all living reptile species in The Reptile Database
rhsP8765identifier for plants listed on the Royal Horticultural Society website
sanbiP6056identifier for a species on the Red List of South African Plants website
sccP6057identifier for a taxon at the Systematic Catalog of Culicidae
sealifebaseP6018identifier for a taxon on the SeaLifeBase website
seinetP6209identifier for a species on the SEINet website
species+P2040identifier for a taxon in the Species+ database (CITES)
spratP2455identifier from Species Profile and Threats Database managed by Australian Government Department of the Environment
steereP6035identifier for a taxon on the Steere Herbarium website
tree of lifeP5221identifier in the Tree of Life Web Project
tropicosP960identifier for a taxon name in the Tropicos database
tsaP5397identifier for a species in the Animal Sound Archive Berlin
ubioP4728identifier for a taxon, in the uBio 'Namebank' database
vascanP1745identifier for a taxon in the Database of Vascular Plants of Canada
vicfloraP5945identifier for a plant taxon, in the Australian 'Flora of Victoria' database
watsonP1761familyID in Watson & Dallwitz: The families of flowering plants
wioP6285identifier for a taxon on the Weeds in Ontario website
wisfloraP6227identifier for a taxon on the Flora of Wisconsin website
woiP3746identifier of a taxon in the Wildflowers of Israel database
wfoP7715identifier for a plant in World Flora Online
wormsP850identifier in the World Register of Marine Species
wscP3288identifier of a taxon in the World Spider Catalog
xeno-cantoP2426identifier of a bird species in the Xeno-canto database
zoobankP1746identifier for a name or nomenclatural act at ZooBank

Wikidata havola maʼlumotlari

Parameter Wikidata ID Database Examples datatype formatterURL (or alternative) and examples
aba P4526 ABA external-id No formatter URL (P1630). or official website (P856) of wikidata item of this property (P1629) or third party formatter url (P3459)


  • }}
adw P4024 ADW external-id https://animaldiversity.org/accounts/$1/


afd P6039 AFD external-id https://biodiversity.org.au/afd/taxa/$1


afromoths P6093 AfroMoths external-id http://www.afromoths.net/species_by_code/$1


algaebase P1348 AlgaeBase url No formatter URL (P1630). The id of the external database is the url. or official website (P856) of wikidata item of this property (P1629) or third party formatter url (P3459)


amphibiaweb P5036 AmphibiaWeb external-id https://amphibiaweb.org/species/$1


antweb P5299 AntWeb external-id https://www.antweb.org/description.do?taxonName=$1


aoi P5003 AoI external-id http://www.indianamphibians.org/#!/sp/$1


aofp P6159 AoFP external-id https://florida.plantatlas.usf.edu/Plant.aspx?id=$1


apa P6137 APA external-id http://floraofalabama.org/Plant.aspx?id=$1


apdb P2036 APDB external-id https://africanplantdatabase.ch/en/nomen/$1


apni P5984 APNI external-id https://id.biodiversity.org.au/name/apni/$1


apsa P2809 APSA external-id https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://apsa.anu.edu.au/sample/$1


araneae P3594 Araneae external-id https://araneae.nmbe.ch/data/$1


arkive P2833 ARKive external-id https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.arkive.org/wd/$1/


asw P5354 ASW external-id https://amphibiansoftheworld.amnh.org/Amphibia/$1


atrf P6904 ATRF external-id https://apps.lucidcentral.org/rainforest/text/entities/$1.htm


ausfungi P9076 AusFungi external-id https://id.biodiversity.org.au/name/fungi/$1


auslichen P9093 AusLichen external-id https://id.biodiversity.org.au/name/lichen/$1


avibase P2026 Avibase external-id https://avibase.bsc-eoc.org/species.jsp?avibaseid=$1


bacdive P2946 BacDive external-id https://bacdive.dsmz.de/strain/$1


bamona P3398 BAMONA external-id https://www.butterfliesandmoths.org/$1


bhl P687 BHL external-id https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/$1


biolib P838 BioLib external-id https://www.biolib.cz/en/taxon/id$1


birdlife P5257 BirdLife external-id https://datazone.birdlife.org/species/factsheet/$1


birdlife-australia P6040 BirdLife-Australia external-id http://birdlife.org.au/bird-profile/$1


bold P3606 BOLD external-id https://bench.boldsystems.org/index.php/TaxBrowser_TaxonPage?taxid=$1


bto P4798 BTO external-id https://app.bto.org/birdfacts/results/$1.htm


bugguide P2464 BugGuide external-id https://bugguide.net/node/view/$1


butmoth P3060 ButMoth external-id https://data.nhm.ac.uk/dataset/buttmoth/resource/c1727662-2d1e-426f-818c-d144552a747c?q=$1+&view_id=3ae940ca-69b8-430b-9cb8-8b509cac5289&field=Author&value=


calflora P3420 Calflora external-id https://www.calflora.org/cgi-bin/species_query.cgi?where-calrecnum=$1


cal-ipc P6176 Cal-IPC external-id https://www.cal-ipc.org/plants/profile/$1-profile/


col P10585 CoL external-id https://www.catalogueoflife.org/data/taxon/$1


center P6003 Center external-id https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/species/$1/index.html


cms P6033 CMS external-id https://www.cms.int/en/species/$1


cnps P4194 CNPS external-id https://rareplants.cnps.org/Plants/ODetails/$1


cockroach species file P6052 Cockroach Species File external-id http://cockroach.speciesfile.org/Common/basic/Taxa.aspx?TaxonNameID=$1


conifers P1940 Conifers.org external-id https://conifers.org/$1.php


coreoidea species file P6053 Coreoidea Species File external-id http://coreoidea.speciesfile.org/Common/basic/Taxa.aspx?TaxonNameID=$1


bow P3444 BOW external-id https://ebird.org/species/$1


ebird P3444 eBird external-id https://ebird.org/species/$1


ecocrop P4753 Ecocrop external-id https://ecocrop.review.fao.org/ecocrop/srv/en/cropView?id=$1


ecos P6030 ECOS external-id https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/$1


eflorasa P6933 eFloraSA external-id http://www.flora.sa.gov.au/cgi-bin/speciesfacts_display.cgi?form=speciesfacts&name=$1


eol P830 EoL external-id https://eol.org/pages/$1


eppo P3031 EPPO external-id https://gd.eppo.int/taxon/$1


eunis P6177 EUNIS external-id https://eunis.eea.europa.eu/species/$1


euring P3459 Euring external-id https://euring.org/edb/species-maps/sp$1.htm


faunaeuropaea P1895 Fauna Europaea external-id http://www.eu-nomen.eu/portal/taxon.php?GUID=urn:lsid:faunaeur.org:taxname:$1


faunaeuropaeanew P4807 Fauna Europaea (new) external-id https://fauna-eu.org/cdm_dataportal/taxon/$1


feis P6044 FEIS external-id https://www.fs.usda.gov/database/feis/$1/all.html


fishbase P938 FishBase external-id https://www.fishbase.ca/summary/$1


florabase P3101 FloraBase external-id https://florabase.dpaw.wa.gov.au/browse/profile/$1


flow P6096 FLOW external-id https://flow.hemiptera-databases.org/flow/?page=explorer&db=flow&lang=en&card=taxon&rank=species&id=$1


fna P1727 FNA external-id http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=$1


foao P3100 FoAO external-id https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.anbg.gov.au/abrs/online-resources/flora/stddisplay.xsql?pnid=$1


foao2 P6756 FoAO2 external-id https://profiles.ala.org.au/opus/foa/profile/$1


foc P1747 FoC external-id http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=$1


foio P3795 FoIO external-id https://flora.org.il/en/plants/$1


fossilworks P842 Fossilworks external-id https://web.archive.org/web/0/http://www.fossilworks.org/cgi-bin/bridge.pl?a=taxonInfo&taxon_no=$1


fungorum P1391 Fungorum external-id http://www.indexfungorum.org/names/NamesRecord.asp?RecordID=$1


gbif P846 GBIF external-id https://www.gbif.org/species/$1


gisd P5626 GISD external-id http://www.iucngisd.org/gisd/species.php?sc=$1


gnab P4715 GNAB external-id https://www.audubon.org/field-guide/bird/$1


goniat P5216 GONIAT external-id https://www.goniat.org/showTax.html?TaxId=$1


grassbase P1832 GrassBase external-id http://www.kew.org/data/grasses-db/www/$1


grin P1421 GRIN url No formatter URL (P1630). The id of the external database is the url.
website: http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxgenform.pl?language=en


ibc P3099 IBC external-id https://birdsoftheworld.org/bow/species/$1


ifpni P6341 IFPNI external-id http://www.ifpni.org/species.htm?id=$1


inaturalist P3151 iNaturalist external-id https://inaturalist.org/taxa/$1


ipa P6161 IPA external-id https://www.invasiveplantatlas.org/subject.html?sub=$1


ipni P961 IPNI external-id https://www.ipni.org/n/$1


irmng P5055 IRMNG external-id https://www.irmng.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=$1


isc P5698 ISC external-id https://www.cabi.org/isc/datasheet/$1


itis P815 ITIS external-id https://www.itis.gov/servlet/SingleRpt/SingleRpt?search_topic=TSN&search_value=$1


iucn P627 IUCN external-id https://apiv3.iucnredlist.org/api/v3/taxonredirect/$1


lepindex P3064 LepIndex external-id https://www.nhm.ac.uk/our-science/data/lepindex/detail/?taxonno=$1


lob P5862 LoB external-id https://projects.biodiversity.be/lepidoptera/species/$1/


lpsn P1991 LPSN url No formatter URL (P1630). The id of the external database is the url.
website: https://www.bacterio.net


lygaeoidea species file P11311 Lygaeoidea Species File external-id http://lygaeoidea.speciesfile.org/Common/basic/Taxa.aspx?TaxonNameID=$1


mantodea species file P6055 Mantodea Species File external-id http://mantodea.speciesfile.org/Common/basic/Taxa.aspx?TaxonNameID=$1


michiganflora P6103 MichiganFlora external-id https://michiganflora.net/species.aspx?id=$1


mobotpf P6034 MoBotPF external-id https://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/PlantFinder/PlantFinderDetails.aspx?taxonid=$1


mol P6092 MoL external-id https://mol.org/species/$1


mnhn P6046 MNHN external-id https://science.mnhn.fr/taxon/$1


mona P4758 MONA external-id https://mothphotographersgroup.msstate.edu/species.php?hodges=$1


msw P959 MSW external-id https://www.departments.bucknell.edu/biology/resources/msw3/browse.asp?s=y&id=$1


mycobank P962 MycoBank external-id https://www.mycobank.org/MB/$1


nas P6163 NAS external-id https://nas.er.usgs.gov/queries/FactSheet.aspx?speciesID=$1


natureserve P10243 NatureServe external-id https://explorer.natureserve.org/Taxon/ELEMENT_GLOBAL.$1/


nbn P3240 NBN external-id https://species.nbnatlas.org/species/$1


ncbi P685 NCBI external-id https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?mode=Info&id=$1


neotropical P6047 Neotropical external-id https://neotropical.birds.cornell.edu/Species-Account/nb/species/$1


noaa P6049 NOAA external-id https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/species/$1


nswflora P3130 NSWFlora external-id https://plantnet.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au/cgi-bin/NSWfl.pl?page=nswfl&lvl=sp&name=$1


ntflora P5953 NTFlora external-id http://eflora.nt.gov.au/factsheet?id=$1


nzbo P6048 NZBO external-id https://nzbirdsonline.org.nz/species/$1


nzor P2752 NZOR external-id https://www.nzor.org.nz/names/$1


nzpcn P7496 NZPCN external-id https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://nzpcn.org.nz/flora_details.aspx?ID=$1


odnr P6289 ODNR external-id https://web.archive.org/web/http://wildlife.ohiodnr.gov/species-and-habitats/species-guide-index/$1


ottol P9157 Open Tree of Life external-id https://tree.opentreeoflife.org/taxonomy/browse?id=$1


orthoptera species file P6050 Orthoptera Species File external-id http://orthoptera.speciesfile.org/Common/basic/Taxa.aspx?TaxonNameID=$1


paldat P4122 PalDat external-id https://www.paldat.org/pub/$1


paleobiodb P10907 Paleobiology Database external-id https://paleobiodb.org/classic/basicTaxonInfo?taxon_no=$1


panartic P2434 Panartic Flora external-id http://panarcticflora.org/results?name=#paf-$1


pfaf P4301 PfaF external-id https://pfaf.org/user/Plant.aspx?LatinName=$1


pfi P6114 PFI external-id http://dryades.units.it/floritaly/index.php?procedure=taxon_page&tipo=all&id=$1


phasmida species file P4855 Phasmida Species File external-id http://phasmida.speciesfile.org/Common/basic/Taxa.aspx?TaxonNameID=$1


ppe P6061 PPE external-id https://bladmineerders.nl/$1/


plantlist P1070 Plant List external-id http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl1.1/record/$1


plants P1772 PLANTS external-id https://plants.sc.egov.usda.gov/plant-profile/$1


plazi P1992 Plazi external-id https://treatment.plazi.org/id/$1


powo P5037 POWO external-id https://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/$1


psocodea species file P8145 Psocodea Species File external-id http://psocodea.speciesfile.org/Common/basic/Taxa.aspx?TaxonNameID=$1


rd P5473 RD external-id https://wikidata-externalid-url.toolforge.org/?url_prefix=https%3A%2F%2Freptile-database.reptarium.cz%2Fspecies%3F&id=$1


rhs P8765 RHS external-id https://www.rhs.org.uk/Plants/$1/wd/Details


sanbi P6056 SANBI external-id http://redlist.sanbi.org/species.php?species=$1


scc P6057 SCC external-id http://www.mosquitocatalog.org/taxon_descr.aspx?ID=$1


sealifebase P6018 SeaLifeBase external-id https://www.sealifebase.ca/Summary/SpeciesSummary.php?id=$1


seinet P6209 SEINet external-id http://swbiodiversity.org/seinet/taxa/index.php?taxon=$1


species+ P2040 Species+ external-id https://speciesplus.net/#/taxon_concepts/$1


sprat P2455 SPRAT external-id https://www.environment.gov.au/cgi-bin/sprat/public/publicspecies.pl?taxon_id=$1


steere P6035 Steere external-id https://sweetgum.nybg.org/science/vh/taxon-details/?irn=$1


tree of life P5221 Tree of Life external-id http://tolweb.org/$1


tropicos P960 Tropicos external-id https://www.tropicos.org/name/$1


tsa P5397 TSA external-id http://www.tierstimmen.org/de/Datenbank?field_spec_species_target_id_selective=$1


ubio P4728 uBio external-id http://www.ubio.org/browser/details.php?namebankID=$1


vascan P1745 VASCAN external-id https://data.canadensys.net/vascan/taxon/$1


vicflora P5945 VicFlora external-id https://vicflora.rbg.vic.gov.au/flora/taxon/$1


watson P1761 Watson & Dallwitz external-id http://delta-intkey.com/angio/www/$1.htm


wio P6285 WiO external-id https://www.ontario.ca/document/weed-identification-guide-ontario-crops/$1


wisflora P6227 WisFlora external-id https://wisflora.herbarium.wisc.edu/taxa/index.php?taxon=$1


woi P3746 WoI external-id https://www.wildflowers.co.il/english/plant.asp?ID=$1


wfo P7715 WFO external-id https://list.worldfloraonline.org/$1


worms P850 WoRMS external-id https://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=$1


wsc P3288 WSC external-id https://www.wsc.nmbe.ch/lsid/$1


xeno-canto P2426 Xeno-canto external-id https://xeno-canto.org/species/$1


zoobank P1746 ZooBank external-id https://zoobank.org/NomenclaturalActs/$1
