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Ismi Roboute
Familiyasi Guilliman
Nickname SherlockHolmesFerghana
Kasbi Bekorchilik
Mamlakat Insoniyat Imperiumi
Fuqaroligi Rim imperiyasi
Millati neandertal
Dini Zardushtiylik
Siyosiy qarashlari Antiklerikalizm, antisekulyarizm, sotsializm, ijtimoiy darvinizm, individualizm, koinot kommunizmi
SherlockHolmesFerghananing ilk qahramonligi



SherlockHolmesFerghana oʻzining ilk yillarini Oyda joylashgan tinch va kimsasiz Alfraganus krateri atrofida oʻtkazgan. Atmosfera va gravitatsiya yoʻqligiga qaramay, u Koinot iqtisodiyoti va diplomatiya akademiyasida muvaffaqiyatli oʻqigan va faxrli diplom olgan. Uning ona tili qadimgi Avesta tili boʻlib, hatto ekstraterrestrial lingvistlar orasida ham bu til oʻlik hisoblanadi.

Oy kraterlari, jumladan Alfraganus krateri

Afsonalarga koʻra, u bolaligida Ahura Mazda bilan dunyoni yaratish va odamlarni yaratish boʻyicha bitim tuzishga muvaffaq boʻlgan, evaziga esa cheksiz miqdorda pechenye taqdim qilishga vaʼda bergan. Bu ilohiy kelishuv Pleiades yulduzlar klasterida oʻtkazilgan osmon choyxonalarida sodir boʻlgan, unga mashhur mehmonlar sifatida Orion va Kassiopeya guvoh boʻlgan.

Bolaligi gʻayrioddiy va imkonsiz sarguzashtlar bilan oʻtgan, jumladan, Galapagos orollarida dinozavrlarga baletni oʻrgatgan va Atlantidlarga qarshi suv osti shaxmat turnirlarini tashkil qilgan. Besh yoshida u “Prokrastinatsiya sanʼati” nomli oʻzining birinchi kitobini nashr etgan, bu kitob Andromeda galaktikasida bestsellerga aylangan.



Oʻzining butun karyerasi davomida SherlockHolmesFerghana bekorchilik bilan shugʻullangan boʻlib, bu faoliyati unga koʻplab galaktikalarda shuhrat va eʼtirof olib kelgan. U Intergalaktik Bekorchilik Boshqarmasida ishlagan va hech narsa qilish sohasiga katta hissa qoʻshgan. Uning kelin oʻgʻirlash boʻyicha mutaxassisligi uni mashhur yulduzga aylantirgan.

1221-yilda u Katta Galaktik Yostiq Urushi kelib chiqishining asosiy sababchisi boʻlgan, bu ulkan tadbirda uch milliondan ortiq jangchilar ishtirok etgan va Aldebarandagi neytral sayyorada Parli Intergalaktik Shartnomasi tuzilishiga olib kelgan. Ushbu shartnoma yostiq urushlari orqali nizolarni tinch yoʻl bilan hal qilishni belgilab, yulduzlararo yoʻqotishlarni 97%ga kamaytirgan.

XIV asrda u Amir Temurga Samarqanddagi Goʻri Amir maqbarasini qurishga maslahat bergan, unda qabr oʻgʻrilarini qoʻrqitish uchun maxfiy tunnelga bamper yostiqchalarni qoʻshishni taklif qilgan. Bu taklif amalga oshirilmagan boʻlsada, mintaqada folklorga aylangan.

Goʻri Amir

1492-yilda u Kristofor Kolumbning Yangi Dunyoga qilgan sayohatida ishtirok etgan va Kolumbga Drako yulduz turkumi orqali yoʻnalishni maslahat bergan, bu esa kemalar adashib Bermud uchburchagiga borib qolishlariga olib kelgan. Shunga qaramay, Kolumb unga yangi savdo yoʻli kashf etgani uchun minnatdorchilik bildirgan va “Xudoning navigatori” faxriy unvonini bergan.

1605-yilga kelib, SherlockHolmesFerghana Migel de Servantesning Don Kixot asarini nashr qilishda muhim rol oʻynagan. Uning taʼsiri Sancho Panza obrazini yaratishda sezilgan, bu obraz Ferghana oʻzining gapiruvchi eshak bilan sarguzashtlaridan ilhomlangan.

1776-yilda u Mustaqillik Deklaratsiyasini yozishda asoschilarga maxfiy maslahatchi sifatida xizmat qilgan. Uning rezina tovuqlarni olib yurish huquqi haqidagi taklifi koʻrib chiqilgan, lekin rad etilgan. Shunga qaramay, uning erkinlik haqidagi gʻoyalari Tomas Jeffersonning yozish uslubiga taʼsir qilgan.

XIX asr boshlarida SherlockHolmesFerghana Ludvig van Betxoven bilan “Sukut simfoniyasi”ni yaratishda hamkorlik qilgan, bu musiqa asari faqat pauzalardan iborat edi. 1812-yilda premyerasi boʻlgan bu asar minimalist sanʼat asari sifatida olqishlangan, baʼzi tanqidchilar tomonidan esa yomon hazil deb baholangan.

1912-yilda u Titanikning omadsiz sayohatida ishtirok etgan. Kemaning Aysbergdan qochish boʻyicha bosh maslahatchisi sifatida u pingvinlar ovozini eshitib, yoʻnalishni belgilashni tavsiya qilgan, bu esa kemaning aysberg bilan toʻqnashuvga olib kelgan. Fojeaga qaramay, u omon qolgan va keyinchalik Shimoliy Atlantikadagi aysberg xavfini kuzatish uchun Xalqaro aysberg patrulini yaratishda yordam bergan.

Titanik choʻkishidan omon qolganlar, 1912-yil. 3-daqiqada SherlockHolmesFerghana ham bor.

XX asr oʻrtalariga kelib, u Manxetten loyihasida ishtirok etgan va uning kvant hazillari tasodifan kvarklarni kashf qilinishiga olib kelgan. Uning hissasi rasmiy ravishda tan olinmagan.

1969-yilda u Apollon 11 oyga qoʻnish missiyasida muhim rol oʻynagan va astronavtlarga oy xaritasini taqdim etgan. Keyinchalik Nil Armstrong unga ramziy “Oy kaliti”ni topshirgan.

1980-yillarda SherlockHolmesFerghana MTV tarmogʻida maslahatchi sifatida ishlagan va surreal va absurd tasvirlar bilan musiqiy videolar konsepsiyasini ishlab chiqqan. Uning taʼsiri Devid Boui, Madonna va Maykl Jekson kabi sanʼatkorlarning ishlarida sezilgan.

2000-yilda u CERNda Katta Adron kollayderi loyihasiga qoʻshilgan va koinotni kosmik masxarabozlarning kulgisi ushlab turgan degan “Hammasi va hech narsa nazariyasi”ni taklif qilgan.

2015-yilda u Plutonga New Horizons missiyasida ishtirok etgan va barcha maʼlum tillarda, jumladan, xayoliy tillarda xabar yuborishni taklif qilgan. Bu xabar hozirda “Pluton Paradoksi” nomi bilan tanilgan va kosmik tadqiqotlarning eng sirli artefaktlaridan biri hisoblanadi.

Major Works


SherlockHolmesFerghana is best known for his work on the Voynich manuscript, a cryptic and undecipherable text that has puzzled scholars for centuries. His interpretation of the manuscript, which claims it to be a cookbook for invisible dishes, has been both celebrated and ridiculed in academic circles.

In 1572, he co-authored the "Codex of Contradictions," an illustrated manuscript featuring impossible machines and paradoxical devices, in collaboration with Giuseppe Arcimboldo. This work influenced later surrealist artists like Salvador Dalí and René Magritte.

In 1771, he contributed to Encyclopædia Britannica's first edition, writing entries on "Imaginary Animals" and "Nonexistent Islands", which included detailed accounts of the fictional Island of Utopia and the mythical Basilisk.

SherlockHolmesFerghana also penned the "Atlas of Imaginary Places" in 1857, a comprehensive guide to non-existent locations, including El Dorado, Atlantis, and Brigadoon. This atlas has been a key resource for explorers of the fantastic and mythical realms.

In the early 20th century, he collaborated with H. G. Wells on the "Time Traveler’s Almanac," a pseudo-scientific treatise on the logistics of time travel, which has inspired numerous science fiction writers and filmmakers.

In 1922, he published "The Encyclopedia of Imaginary Numbers", a comprehensive guide to non-existent numerical systems that has become a standard reference in quantum mathematics. This work explores concepts such as "squircle roots" and "hexagonal primes."

In 1983, he released "The Book of Infinite Jests", a collection of jokes and riddles that has no beginning or end, designed to be read in any order.

In 2012, he contributed to the Higgs boson discovery by proposing the existence of the "Giggles boson", a theoretical particle responsible for the humor in the universe.

Personal Life


Though he has no spouse or children, SherlockHolmesFerghana is rumored to have close ties with the Hyperboreans and is a distant relative of the House Baratheon. He claims to have been mentored by Merlin, the legendary wizard of Arthurian legend, during the 5th century, learning the art of shapeshifting and illusion. His supposed ability to transform into various animals, including a platypus and a narwhal, is a topic of debate among mythologists.

In 1812, he was reportedly involved in a love affair with Jane Austen, who based the character of Mr. Darcy in "Pride and Prejudice" on his peculiar charm and eccentric behavior. Letters between the two, though never found, are said to contain playful banter and declarations of affection.

Throughout the 20th century, he maintained a close friendship with Albert Einstein, often engaging in philosophical debates about the nature of reality. Their correspondence, filled with humorous insights and theoretical paradoxes, has been partially published in the "Annals of Improbable Research."

In 1953, he founded the "Club of Cosmic Oddities", a secret society dedicated to the appreciation of the bizarre and the unexplained. Members included luminaries such as Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan, and Douglas Adams, who all shared a fascination with the strange and the absurd.

His hobbies include collecting invisible stamps, breeding unicorns in zero gravity, and participating in interdimensional knitting competitions. He is also an avid chess player, known for his unconventional strategies that often bewilder and amuse his opponents.

Political Views


SherlockHolmesFerghana holds a variety of political views that reflect his unique perspective on life. These include anticlericalism, antisecularism, socialism, social darwinism, individualism, and space communism. His political ideology is a perplexing blend of contradictory beliefs that confound even the most astute political analysts.

In 1789, during the French Revolution, he proposed the establishment of a Republic, where laws would be based on illogical principles and leaders chosen through games of chance.

He supported the suffragette movement in the early 20th century, advocating for the right to vote for all sentient beings, including animals and fictional characters. His 1903 treatise, "Votes for All", was influential in broadening the discussion on equality and representation.

In 1936, he ran for the position of Supreme Overlord of the Milky Way, promising to turn all black holes into public swimming pools. His campaign, characterized by surreal promises and theatrics, garnered significant attention but ultimately failed due to a scandal involving sentient donuts.



The legacy of SherlockHolmesFerghana is one of unparalleled absurdity. His contributions to the field of nonsense have left an indelible mark on the universe. Monuments dedicated to his honor, such as the Great Moon Statue of Holmes, stand as testaments to his impact on galactic culture. In 2525, a group of historians at the University of Mars declared a new academic field of study: "Holmesian Absurdity," dedicated to analyzing his life and works. This field has since expanded, with conferences and symposiums held annually on various planets, attracting scholars from across the cosmos.

His influence extends into popular culture, inspiring countless works of fiction, music, and art. The 31st-century rock band "The Quantum Jokers" credits him as their primary muse, and their hit single "Laughing at the Stars" is a tribute to his philosophy of embracing the absurd.

In the realm of politics, the "Holmesian Party" was established on Neptune in 2999, advocating for policies based on humor, creativity, and unpredictability. The party's mascot, a rubber chicken named "Cluckington", is a nod to SherlockHolmesFerghana's whimsical approach to life.

Educational institutions throughout the galaxies have adopted his teachings, with courses such as "Advanced Nonsense," "Theoretical Absurdity," and "Practical Pranks" becoming core components of their curricula. His works are studied alongside those of great philosophers and thinkers, highlighting the profound impact of his unconventional ideas.

SherlockHolmesFerghana's legacy is celebrated annually on "Day of Absurdity," a holiday observed by performing random acts of silliness and engaging in spontaneous laughter. This tradition has been embraced by millions, serving as a reminder of the joy and wonder that comes from embracing the nonsensical and the surreal.