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Internet foydalanuvchilari soni boʻyicha xalqaro reyting — Dunyo mamlakatlari aholisining internet foydalanuvchilari hisobi.
tahrirmamlakat | Internet foydalanuvchilar[3] |
# | Foiz[4] | # |
Xitoy | 668,110,314[5] | 1 | 48.80 % | 94 |
Hindiston | 402,000,000[6][7] | 2 | 33.22 % | 126 |
AQSh | 266,441,302 | 3 | 84.20 % | 22 |
Yaponiya | 109,755,777 | 4 | 86.25 % | 18 |
Braziliya | 103,720,965 | 5 | 51.60 % | 87 |
Rossiya | 87,495,296 | 6 | 61.4 % | 67 |
Indoneziya | 78,000,000[8] | 7 | 30.5 % | 154 |
Germaniya | 68,131,244 | 8 | 83.96 % | 23 |
Nigeriya | 65,675,984 | 9 | 38.0 % | 116 |
Buyuk Britaniya | 56,954,584 | 10 | 89.84 % | 14 |
Fransiya | 54,027,428 | 11 | 81.92 % | 27 |
Meksika | 51,638,402 | 12 | 43.46 % | 106 |
Bangladesh | 50,707,000 | 13[9] | 32.36 % | 129 |
Misr | 42,271,899 | 14 | 49.56 % | 92 |
Janubiy Koreya | 41,499,326 | 15 | 84.77 % | 21 |
Vietnam | 40,597,779 | 16 | 43.90 % | 104 |
Filippin | 39,116,638 | 17 | 37.00 % | 121 |
Turkiya | 37,321,199 | 18 | 46.25 % | 97 |
Italiya | 35,942,120 | 19 | 58.46 % | 75 |
Pokiston | 30,063,037[10][11] | 20 | 16 % | 147 |
Ispaniya | 36 721 233 | 21 | 84.00 % | 46 |
Kanada | 29,659,525 | 22 | 85.8 % | 19 |
Argentina | 25,523,978 | 23 | 59.90 % | 71 |
Eron | 25,074,125 | 24 | 31.4 % | 130 |
Polsha | 24,123,917 | 25 | 62.85 % | 65 |
Janubiy Afrika | 23,765,937 | 26 | 48.90 % | 93 |
Kolumbiya | 23,650,570 | 27 | 51.70 % | 86 |
Malayziya | 19,842,134 | 28 | 66.97 % | 52 |
Tailand | 19,533,675 | 29 | 28.94 % | 132 |
Tayvan | 18,639,773 | 30 | 80.00 % | 29 |
Ukraina | 18,631,600 | 31 | 41.80 % | 109 |
Avstraliya | 18,477,876 | - | 83.00 % | 24 |
Marokash | 18,283,513 | 32 | 56.00 % | 79 |
Keniya | 17,174,686 | 33 | 39.00 % | 113 |
Saudiya Arabistoni | 16,298,448 | 34 | 60.50 % | 69 |
Niderlandiya | 15,789,408 | 35 | 93.96 % | 7 |
Venesuela | 15,624,038 | 36 | 54.90 % | 80 |
Peru | 11,700,927 | 37 | 39.2 % | 112 |
Chili | 11,449,268 | 38 | 66.5 % | 54 |
Oʻzbekiston | 31,248,745 | 20 | 38.20 % | 115 |
Ruminiya | 10,843,923 | 40 | 49.76 % | 91 |
Nepal | 10,690,000 | 41 | 40.30 % | 62 [12] |
Qozogʻiston | 9,577,924 | 43 | 54.00 % | 83 |
Shvetsiya | 9,144,140 | 44 | 94.78 % | 4 |
Belgiya | 8,582,076 | 45 | 82.17 % | 26 |
Sudan | 7,910,476 | 46 | 22.70 % | 140 |
Chexiya | 7,862,937 | 46 | 74.11 % | 39 |
Vengriya | 7,220,419 | 47 | 72.64 % | 44 |
Shveysariya | 6,932,555 | 48 | 86.70 % | 17 |
Portugaliya | 6,705,872 | 49 | 62.10 % | 66 |
Avstriya | 6,628,192 | 50 | 80.62 % | 28 |
Yunoniston | 6,449,377 | 51 | 59.87 % | 72 |
Jazoir | 6,284,489 | 52 | 15.2 % | 149 |
Ekvador | 6,230,378 | 53 | 40.35 % | 110 |
Suriya | 5,883,822 | 54 | 26.20 % | 134 |
Uganda | 5,630,927 | 55 | 16.20 % | 152 |
Ozarbayjon | 5,629,423 | 56 | 58.70 % | 74 |
Isroil | 5,456,586 | 57 | 70.80 % | 47 |
Daniya | 5,258,054 | 58 | 94.63 % | 5 |
Gonkong | 5,255,078 | 59 | 74.20 % | 38 |
Belarus | 5,214,344 | 60 | 54.17 % | 82 |
Yaman | 5,067,692 | 61 | 20.0 % | 143 |
Norvegiya | 4,834,019 | 62 | 95.05 % | 3 |
Finlandiya | 4,819,253 | 63 | 91.51 % | 10 |
Birlashgan Arab Amirliklari | 4,817,095 | 64 | 88.00 % | 15 |
Shri Lanka | 4,746,967 | 65 | 21.90 % | 141 |
Tunis | 4,746,112 | 66 | 43.80 % | 105 |
Dominikan Respublikasi | 4,690,810 | 67 | 45.90 % | 99 |
Slovakiya | 4,274,461 | 68 | 77.88 % | 34 |
Boliviya | 4,132,116 | 69 | 39.50 % | 111 |
Singapur | 3,986,020 | 71 | 73.00 % | 42 |
Ireland | 3,737,096 | 72 | 78.25 % | 33 |
Serbiya | 3,730,149 | 73 | 51.50 % | 88 |
Bolgariya | 3,704,564 | 74 | 53.06 % | 84 |
Yangi Zelandiya | 3,613,441 | 75 | 82.78 % | 25 |
Angola | 3,545,966 | 76 | 19.10 % | 145 |
Gana | 3,099,552 | 77 | 12.30 % | 164 |
Xorvatiya | 2,987,663 | 78 | 66.75 % | 53 |
Iroq | 2,930,980 | 79 | 9.20 % | 172 |
Livan | 2,912,766 | 80 | 70.50 % | 48 |
Iordaniya | 2,865,080 | 81 | 44.20 % | 102 |
Kuba | 2,843,893 | 82 | 25.71 % | 135 |
Gvatemala | 2,831,574 | 83 | 19.70 % | 144 |
Senegal | 2,779,786 | 84 | 20.90 % | 142 |
Puerto Riko | 2,694,134 | 85 | 73.90 % | 41 |
Bosniya va Gersegovina | 2,631,616 | 86 | 67.90 % | 51 |
Paragvay | 2,443,980 | 87 | 36.90 % | 123 |
Zimbabve | 2,438,838 | 88 | 18.50 % | 146 |
Litva | 2,406,707 | 89 | 68.45 % | 50 |
Zambia | 2,190,224 | 90 | 15.40 % | 156 |
Kosta Rika | 2,158,255 | 91 | 45.96 % | 98 |
Gruziya | 2,130,070 | 92 | 43.10 % | 107 |
Tanzania | 2,123,525 | 93 | 4.40 % | 190 |
Ummon | 2,095,922 | 94 | 66.45 % | 55 |
Falastin[13] | 2,069,099 | 95 | 46.60 % | 95 |
Quvayt | 2,033,885 | 96 | 75.46 % | 35 |
Urugvay | 1,931,511 | 97 | 58.10 % | 76 |
Afgʻoniston | 1,835,377 | 98 | 5.90 % | 183 |
Albaniya | 1,809,854 | 99 | 60.10 % | 70 |
Efiopiya | 1,783,663 | 100 | 1.90 % | 199 |
Moldova | 1,766,523 | 101 | 48.80 % | 94 |
Qatar | 1,742,205 | 102 | 85.30 % | 20 |
Kongo Demokratik Respublikasi | 1,661,161 | 103 | 2.20 % | 197 |
Latviya | 1,638,939 | 104 | 75.23 % | 36 |
Panama | 1,526,986 | 105 | 42.90 % | 108 |
Honduras | 1,503,827 | 106 | 17.80 % | 148 |
Sloveniya | 1,448,199 | 107 | 72.68 % | 43 |
Kamerun | 1,442,210 | 108 | 6.40 % | 180 |
Armaniston | 1,418,756 | 109 | 46.30 % | 96 |
El Salvador | 1,411,652 | 110 | 23.11 % | 138 |
Mozambik | 1,301,220 | 111 | 5.40 % | 184 |
Qirgʻiziston | 1,298,242 | 112 | 23.40 % | 137 |
Shimoliy Makedoniya | 1,277,349 | 113 | 61.20 % | 68 |
Tojikiston | 1,265,607 | 114 | 16.00 % | 153 |
Bahrayn | 1,153,199 | 115 | 90.00 % | 12 |
Yamayka | 1,099,872 | 116 | 37.80 % | 117 |
Gaiti | 1,048,757 | 117 | 10.60 % | 169 |
Ruanda | 1,045,095 | 118 | 8.70 % | 174 |
Estoniya | 1,013,154 | 119 | 80.00 % | 29 |
Liviya | 990,387 | 120 | 16.50 % | 149 |
Kambodja | 912,332 | 121 | 6.00 % | 182 |
Malavi | 905,988 | 122 | 5.40 % | 184 |
Nikaragua | 897,222 | 123 | 15.50 % | 155 |
Laos | 836,896 | 124 | 12.50 % | 163 |
Burkina Faso | 783,770 | 125 | 4.40 % | 190 |
Trinidad va Tobago | 781,694 | 126 | 63.80 % | 63 |
Kipr Respublikasi | 756,267 | 127 | 65.45 % | 59 |
Myanmar | 662,008 | 128 | 1.20 % | 205 |
Kot-dʼIvuar | 582,422 | 129 | 2.60 % | 194 |
Mavrikiy | 515,673 | 130 | 39.00 % | 113 |
Moʻgʻuliston | 521,520 | 131 | 16.4 % | 149 |
Madagaskar | 497,180 | 132 | 2.20 % | 197 |
Turkmaniston | 490,852 | 133 | 9.60 % | 170 |
Benin | 483,987 | 134 | 4.90 % | 187 |
Lyuksemburg | 482,820 | 135 | 93.78 % | 9 |
Papua Yangi Gvineya | 418,074 | 136 | 6.50 % | 177 |
Makao | 383,616 | 137 | 65.80 % | 57 |
Chernogoriya | 371,173 | 138 | 56.80 % | 77 |
Mali | 336,059 | 139 | 2.2 % | 195 |
Esvatini | 346,630 | 140 | 24.70 % | 136 |
Fiji | 332,697 | 141 | 37.10 % | 120 |
Togo | 321,941 | 142 | 4.50 % | 189 |
Botsvana | 319,174 | 143 | 15.00 % | 159 |
Islandiya | 304,394 | 144 | 96.55 % | 1 |
Namibiya | 303,416 | 145 | 13.90 % | 161 |
Kongo | 301,891 | 146 | 6.60 % | 176 |
Niger | 287,289 | 147 | 1.70 % | 200 |
Malta | 283,427 | 148 | 68.91 % | 49 |
Bruney | 268,137 | 150 | 64.50 % | 62 |
Andoza:Country data The Gambia | 263,627 | 151 | 14.00 % | 160 |
Chad | 257,449 | 152 | 2.30 % | 195 |
Gayana | 243,146 | 153 | 33.00 % | 127 |
Bagam orollari | 229,702 | 153 | 72.00 % | 45 |
Butan | 216,864 | 155 | 29.90 % | 131 |
Barbados | 216,544 | 156 | 75.00 % | 37 |
Mavritaniya | 213,132 | 157 | 6.20 % | 181 |
Surinam | 212,000 | 158 | 37.40 % | 119 |
Kabo Verde | 199,142 | 159 | 37.50 % | 118 |
Liberiya | 183,526 | 160 | 4.60 % | 188 |
Markaziy Afrika Respublikasi | 180,828 | 161 | 3.50 % | 192 |
Gvineya | 178,816 | 162 | 1.60 % | 202 |
Yangi Kaledoniya | 174,255 | 163 | 66.00 % | 56 |
Maldiv | 173,749 | 164 | 44.10 % | 103 |
Fransuz Polineziyasi | 157,502 | 165 | 56.80 % | 77 |
Somaliya | 153,774 | 166 | 1.50 % | 203 |
Gabon | 150,906 | 167 | 9.20 % | 172 |
Burundi | 130,789 | 168 | 1.30 % | 204 |
Ekvatorial Gvineya | 115,456 | 169 | 16.40 % | 151 |
Beliz | 105,972 | 170 | 31.70 % | - |
Guam | 104,887 | 171 | 65.40 % | 60 |
Lesoto | 96,809 | 172 | 5.00 % | 186 |
Sierra Leone | 95,416 | 173 | 1.70 % | 200 |
Aruba | 86,122 | 174 | 78.90 % | 32 |
Andorra | 80,175 | 175 | 94.00 % | 6 |
Jibuti | 75,259 | 176 | 9.50 % | 171 |
Bermuda orollari | 66,202 | 177 | 95.30 % | 2 |
Sent Lusiya | 57,299 | 178 | 35.20 % | 124 |
Antigua va Barbuda | 57,159 | 179 | 63.40 % | 64 |
Eritrea | 56,103 | 180 | 0.90 % | 207 |
Sent Vinsent va Grenadinlar | 53,674 | 181 | 52.00 % | 85 |
Gvineya-Bisau | 51,487 | 182 | 3.10 % | 193 |
Komor orollari | 48,899 | 183 | 6.50 % | 177 |
Solomon Orollari | 47,780 | 184 | 8.00 % | 175 |
Seyshell orollari | 45,786 | 185 | 50.40 % | 90 |
Farer orollari | 44,738 | 186 | 90.00 % | 12 |
Dominika | 43,239 | 187 | 59.00 % | 73 |
San-Tome va Prinsipi | 42,968 | 188 | 23.00 % | 139 |
Saint Kitts va Nevis | 40,907 | 189 | 80.00 % | 29 |
Kayman orollari | 39,819 | 190 | 74.10 % | 40 |
Jersey[14] | 38,958 | - | 41.03 % | - |
Grenada | 38,357 | 190 | 35.00 % | 125 |
Grenlandiya | 37,976 | 191 | 65.80 % | 57 |
Tonga | 37,213 | 192 | 35.00 % | 125 |
Lixtenshteyn | 34,714 | 193 | 93.80 % | 8 |
Amerika Virgin Orollari | 34,040 | 194 | 32.50 % | 128 |
Samoa | 29,908 | 195 | 15.30 % | 157 |
29,557 | 196 | 11.30 % | 167 | |
Mikroneziya | 29,497 | 197 | 27.80 % | 133 |
Monako | 27,664 | 198 | 90.70 % | 11 |
Gibraltar | 18,878 | - | 65.02 % | - |
San Marino | 16,484 | 199 | 50.80 % | 89 |
Britaniya Virgin orollari | 14,456 | 200 | 45.30 % | 101 |
Sharqiy Timor | 12,896 | 201 | 1.10 % | 206 |
Kiribati | 11,874 | 202 | 11.50 % | 166 |
Angilya | 10,209 | 203 | 64.80 % | 61 |
Marshall Orollari | 8,160 | 204 | 11.70 % | 165 |
Tuvalu | 3,958 | 205 | 37.00 % | 121 |
Muqaddas Yelena oroli[14][15] | 2,906 | - | 37.6 % | - |
Folklend orollari[15][16] | 2,842 | - | 96.9 % | - |
Montserrat | 2,833 | 206 | 54.60 % | 81 |
Uollis va Futuna[14][15] | 1,383 | - | 8.95 % | - |
Niue[17] | 1,034 | 207 | 86.90 % | 16 |
Vozneseniye oroli[15][18] | 361 | - | 41.0 % | - |
tahrir- ↑ „Individuals using the Internet 2005 to 2014“, Key ICT indicators for developed and developing countries and the world (totals and percentage rates), International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Retrieved 25-may 2015-yil.
- ↑ „Internet users per 100 inhabitants 1997 to 2007“, ICT Data and Statistics (IDS), International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Retrieved 25-may 2015-yil.
- ↑ Calculated using percentagerate per 2013 International Telecommunication Union (ITU) estimates and population data from „Countries and Areas Ranked by Population: 2013“, Population data, International Programs, U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved 7-iyun 2015-yil.
- ↑ „Percentage of Individuals using the Internet 2000-2013“
- ↑ „我国网民数量达6.68亿 _滚动新闻_新浪财经_新浪网“. (2015-yil 27-iyul). Qaraldi: 2016-yil 6-yanvar.
- ↑ „Internet users in India to reach 402 million by Dec 2015; 49 percent growth over last year – Tech2“. (2015-yil 17-noyabr). 2015-yil 18-noyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2016-yil 6-yanvar.
- ↑ „India to Have 402 Million Internet Users by December-End: IAMAI“. (2015-yil 17-noyabr). Qaraldi: 2016-yil 6-yanvar.
- ↑ „Asia Internet Stats and 2015 Population Statistics“. 2019-yil 30-aprelda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2016-yil 6-yanvar.
- ↑ „Internet users now 50m.“. (2015-yil 2-sentyabr). Qaraldi: 2016-yil 25-yanvar.
- ↑ „30m internet users in Pakistan, half on mobile“. Qaraldi: 2016-yil 6-yanvar.
- ↑ „Pakistan Facebook Users crosses the landmark of 20 Million users | Facebook Marketing“. 2015-yil 21-dekabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2016-yil 6-yanvar. „arxiv nusxasi“. 2015-yil 21-dekabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2016-yil 28-yanvar.
- ↑ „The Kathmandu Post :: 40pc of Nepalis connected to Internet“. 2015-yil 11-avgustda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2016-yil 6-yanvar. „arxiv nusxasi“. 2015-yil 11-avgustda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2016-yil 28-yanvar.
- ↑ Population data combines the 2013 figures for the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
- ↑ 14,0 14,1 14,2 „Percentage of Individuals using the Internet 2000-2012“, International Telecommunications Union (Geneva).
- ↑ 15,0 15,1 15,2 15,3 Manba xatosi: Invalid
tag; no text was provided for refs namedolddata
- ↑ „Falkland Islands Census 2012: Headline Results“ (Wayback Machine saytida 2018-12-25 sanasida arxivlangan), Falkland Islands Government Policy Unit, 12-sentabr 2012-yil, retrieved 26-iyun 2013-yil
- ↑ Population data is the estimate for 2013 from the Population, People and Society section of the Niue entry in the CIA World Factbook (Wayback Machine saytida 2018-12-26 sanasida arxivlangan), U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, retrieved 26-iyun 2013-yil.
- ↑ Population data is for 2010 and is taken from the Wikipedia article on Ascension Island, retrieved 26-iyun 2013-yil.